Friday, January 22, 2010

MangoMinster Entry #3: ME!!!

I have been bugging Mom forever about getting MY MangoMinster entry in, but she was understandably distracted for a while, and on top of that, she's been dithering about my entry. Not about my class, because it is clear that I am nothing if not a Sporty Dog; she's been dithering because she was "not sure what picture to use". I can understand her dilemma. I mean there are only about a zillion pictures of me as a sporty dog. Fr'instance...

There is me playing football:

And here I am practing Doga:

And I am a consummate hiker:

And here I am being a Good Sport, by letting TaiChi walk all over me:

(Hey, she's my little big sister; of course she can walk all over me!)

And there's about a million variations of these pictures. (Which also makes me a good sport, in my mind, for putting up with the flashy box all the time! If nothing else, it should earn me a few extra cookies!) Any of which Mom could have picked (hence the dithering). But since we FINALLY have been getting snow (you know that statement about 'be careful what you wish for'? Yeah...), Mom has been getting a lot of pictures of me in the snow.

Here's one of a million snow pictures that was considered, but ultimately not chosen:

And she'll post a bunch of them, but she wanted to get my 2010 MangoMinster entry in. So... Here it is:

Your Name: Fiona (although my parents call me 'MuffinHead' rather frequently, for reasons that are not entirely clear to me...)

Gender:Female; I may look like a tomboy, but I'm really a girly-girl at heart!

: Sporty Dog (duh!)

Your breed
: Goldendoodle (that would be half poodle, half golden retriever)

Your bloggy address
: You're here

And the picture Mom finally decided on?

Mom and Dad picked this one because they felt that it showed not only my athleticism, and my love of all things running and jumping, but also my "inherent goofiness". Inherent goofiness? Whatever can they mean?!? Just because I like to bounce around, and do zoomies in all sort of weather, and will play fetch with Anything, Any Time. Oh. I guess that's what they mean. Nevermindthen. Please notice how my hind feet are in front of the rest of me, and my front feet are behind me, as I float through the snow, and notice how I am totally In The Moment. Yes, I am a Happy Snow Dog! And Dad says I look like a cheetah!

Anyhoo, I think there is no question that I am a Sporty Dog. I can't wait for the games to begin! (Heehee!) Good luck to everyone who enters!

*kissey face*
-Fiona, Sporty Dog Extraordinaire


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is a furry nice entry!

Best of lukhk to woo!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: The yoga pikh was khwite pawesome!

Sunny said...

Hi Fiona,
You are the ultimate zoomie doodle for sure!
Good luck!
Luv, Lucy (Woof!)

Martha said...

What a great picture Fiona - we wish you the best of luck in the competition.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Your mum picked the perfect picture.. I wish you luck in the competition. Hugs GJ x

Dexter said...

How do you do that with your leggies?


1000 Goldens said...

OMG - I love that picture so much!! Fiona, you are everything a doggie should be :)

D.K. Wall said...

Excellent cracker dog look!

BRUTUS said...

Great choice!! That is you at full tilt for sure, pedal to the metal!! And you seem to have a lot in common with my big brother Mason in the good sport category (it's what he entered too). Mom hasn't sent my entry in yet, what the heck???

Sporty Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie

Ms. ~K said...

Too bad you could only enter one are the ultimate sporty pup!!!
Good luck,

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Fiona! They are ALL very "sporty."

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Oh you are very sporty! Good luck Fiona!


Unknown said...

If we exclude the "cheetah" comment, I'd listen to my parents. They did an awesome job picking your photo. It's gorgeous covered the rest. Good luck, Fiona :)

Stella said...

Hi Fiona!

I entered the Sporty Dog too with Wubba as my main sport. I love to run through the snow just like you do. I am a designer dog like you are, Border Collie and Labrador and called Borador. But my name is Stella and that is what I come to.

See you at Mango Minster!


Sally Ann and Andy said...

You look like your having so much fun. Good luck.
Sally Ann

Duke said...

That is a fabulous picture, Fiona! You're going to be tough to beat! Good luck!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Oceanside Animals said...

That's a "cowabunga" moment if I ever saw one!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Fiona!
Yes! They chose the perfect picture! It is pawesome!
Good luck at the contest!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

ooooohhh. that's gonna be a HARD one to beat if you're entering sporty dog!

great shot!
wild dingo

Moose said...

Fiona! Glad you found yourself in the other pic. Your first comment freaked me out that Momma had forgotten to add one of the pics of all the action! There are soooo many sporty dogs that Momma's camera couldn't fit them all in the last frame, but we would not think of leaving you behind! Obviously with the name of your blog you will feel quite at home in the Keys :-)
Also, your entry is pawesome! It will help Me when it comes time for judging! You are quite sporty indeed!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my goodness ARE the ultimate sporty doggie!!!


Jan said...

We totally love your doga position. And didn't realize Poodles were sporting until we read this.

Misty the alpha Poodle

bichonpawz said...

You really are the ultimate sporty dog! Our favorite pics of you are doin' zoomies!!! SNOW Zoomies!! BEST of luck to you in the contest!!! EIGHT paws UP!! Hugs from Chloe and LadyBug, the NY BichonsFrises

Martine said...

Fantastic entry Fiona!

We've officially added you to the Pup Scout roster! WELCOME!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Clive said...

A superb choice of photo Fiona!

The very best of luck!

lots of woofs

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Great entry!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Snicker Doodle (the foster chi sibling)

Taffy said...

Hey Girl! What a terrific entry! I can totally see why your mom and dad picked it. Speaking of your mom and dad, how are they doing? Are you spending extra cuddle time with them? I know, you would rather play than cuddle but they need that extra time right now. Be sure and give it to 'em...ok?