Sunday, March 19, 2017

Welcome to Mud Season!

It's Spring, so that means we are entering Mud Season (well, it has been really warm lately, so we are well into Mud Season).  Mud Season is actually not as much fun as it sounds, mostly because the remaining snow on the yard is all mushy and unpredictable, which makes snow zoomies less fun...

Halp! She's behind me and I keep sinking into the snow!

Did I mention that I keep sinking in to the snow?!?
Even the wee Bandersnatch isn't super excited about the mushy snow.  She goes into 'go slow mode' when going after frisbees...

I don't think the Bandersnatch really enjoys spring snow, either....
Our yard has been melting all week, and actually, finally, today, we had enough clear space to bitey each other again, but Mom didn't bring out the camera (something about it being 4:30pm and not having much light in the yard).   In the meantime, Mom thought she'd have some fun doing more 'black dog on black background' photos.  I like these photos because it means Mom takes Daisy upstairs to the studio and practice 'sit-stays' while I get to snooze on the couch!

Daisy does look very dramatical!


Daisy looks pretty nifty and I got to nap through the whole thing!

But on an unrelated note, for those of you who might be thinking that Daisy is getting be almost as big as me, here is a photo that CLEARLY shows that Daisy is still the Little Dog - and with luck, will remain that way!

Have a great week!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Daisy the Bandersnatch


Kinley Westie said...

Brinley got super muddy today.

Dandy Duke said...

You do look superdramatical with the black background, Daisy! Beautiful photos!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Daisy you were posing for some cool spooky pics. No mud yet
Lily & Edward

Life With Lucy and Poppy said...

Daisy I love your dramaticals....very pretty! I wish I could join you in those muddy bitey face sessions. I like mud and i like bitey face!

Puppy Growls,

I invite you over to my new bloggie:
Life with Lucy

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and daisy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow mud seezun!!! dada sez that is wun of the seezuns they had bak in noo york!!! he sed the others wer fall and winter and july!!! daisy yoo ar like a ninja in those dark pikchers yoo just melt into the shadoz and disapeer!!! ok bye