Sunday, January 5, 2014

You Guessed It - More Photos!

You'd think our Mom would run out of things to take pictures of.  I mean, how many pictures like this,

 or this,
 or this,
or this

can you really get?

Apparently a bunch.  Mom says she was "learning about the settings" with those photos.  Uh-huh.  Something about "aperture" and "shutter-speed".  Whatever.  Just get good pictures of us!

At least Mom got some pictures of Abby being the Dork-a-doodle that she is.

Lookout, Mom!  Dorkadoodle coming in fast!

She's really four years old?  Really?

Crazy puppy.
At least she got some pictures of me looking dignified.

"Yes, I AM strikingly beautiful!"

A cold snooter, but still strikingly beautiful.

Mom cannot get enough pictures like this, apparently!

Mom "liked the light" in this photo.  At least my snooter doesn't look huge!
She did get a few pictures of Abby where she wasn't looking dorky...  Which means her camera must be magic! Heehee!

Pensive?  Or trying to figure out if the UPS truck in the street has bully sticks in it?

"Yay!  The UPS man DOES have bully sticks!  I knew it!"

This would be Abby's "you have something really tasty in your hand, Mom, so I'll sit still for a second or two" face.

And her "The treat in your hand this time isn't that appealing, so I'm not going to look at you" face.

Okay, enough with the posing.  Let's get back to the action!

Sometimes Abby gets the frisbee...

...and sometimes I do!

"Abby!  Deploy the parachute!  There's a brick wall ahead of you!"  (note: no Dorkadoodles were injured in the taking of this picture)

More of Mom playing around with the shutter speed setting...

A little less playing with the camera and a little more focus on your throws, Mom!

Snow zoomies!
Mom seemed to have some issues with the Doodle Launcher this weekend.

The vertical leap lever seemed to be stuck in the 'sproing' position here.
Here it seemed to be in 'springing deer' mode.
Is it too late to pull Abby out of the Winter X-Games?

And here the whole thing seemed to have gone haywire!
Oh well, no Dorkadoodles were hurt in the Doodle Launcher, so I guess it's all good!

"Mom!  Throw my frisbee first!"
Mom thought we should have a sing-a-long, but Abby is tone-deaf!  (Actually, Mom is tone-deaf; Abby is a pretty good singer...)


If I sing louder, maybe I'll drown out Mom and Abby!

Here's a few other photos Mom has taken with her camera...

I don't know what Mom's thing is with disembodied feet, unless she's trying to suggest Abby needs her toes trimmed...
Sunset in winter.
So, until next time, we'll be the Doodles posing for treats!

"Be patient, Abs.  I know Mom's got the good treats in her pocket!"

Have a great week!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


Two French Bulldogs said...

Look at those happy faces

GOOSE said...

You to should do a demonstration video on flying. MOM for some reason like to feety photo. She has a think for paws.

rottrover said...

Hey, be glad it's your feets. Our mom takes pictures of our BUTTS!! Sheesh...

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Once you said the UPS guy has Bully Sticks... we could hardly concentrate.

We love your PAW Picture...
If you get tired of your mom taking all the super pics of you.. you could tell her to TALK TO THE PAW PIC. BaaaaWaaaah.

How Sam Sees It said...

Oh great photos. I'm impressed by your throwing skills. When I throw, the safest place to be is in the house.

Monty and Harlow

Murphy said...

We really liked those close up shots. They captured your essence!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Anonymous said...

We really can't even imagine being happy and cavorting in the snow. It never snows here, but on the rare occasions that we go to the mountains, the Poodles set one foot in the snow and jump back in the car.

Great photos though, especially the close ups.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

With models like you and Abby, your Mama will NEVER run out of photos to take Fiona!!!

Dory, Bilbo, Jakey & Arty

Dandy Duke said...

Your mom is doing a brilliant job with her new camera, girls! You both look supergorgeous!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

It would appear that messing about with the Doodle Launch settings goes along with the whole camera thing. I never saw such an artless launch as Miss Abbey being flung willy nilly into the air in that last shot.


Unknown said...

Great pics!!! You look like your having SO much fun!!!!!
Nope you can never have enough of those pics!
((Husky hugz))
"Love is being owned by a husky"

Anonymous said...

That camera does not lie! You bewoootiful! Hippo-B? Dorkyful!

Kari in Alaska said...

we like all the photos

Stop on by for a visit

The World According to Garth Riley said...

Such awesome photos! I'd say your mom has that camera down pat. My mom can't take photos & throw the frisbee at the same time, so I have no frisbee shots. I'm quite adept at frisbee catching myself, although my catches aren't quite as acrobatic as Fiona and Abby.


So happy you are loving the new camera and learning lots. Always a bonus to have super models living under the same roof and all...

The Army of Four said...

I love, love, LOVE the close-ups of your faces!!!
Guess what I got to play with today? One of those Floppy Disc thingies! Only we were in the Library, not the mud. I mean "yard". It was still fun!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher
PS: Mom loves the sunset!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay uh oh yoo shud definitly git that doodle lawntcher fiksd befor enny doodles end up in orbit!!! whoops too layt!!! ha ha ok bye