Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, Same Old Stuff!

Which is totally fine, BTW.  Consistency, while being the hobgoblin of little minds, isn't all bad.  We know what to expect that way!

And the new year has not disappointed.  It has brought opportunities to express our love for one another...

And we've gotten in some zoomies.

 And, of course, funballs frisbee times.


And doggie class.

This weekend Mom and Jessi thought it would be fun to do some more 'out and about' training, in the eventuality that we might consider more formal training as therapy doggies.  And even if we don't get more formal training, it's fun to go into the stores and see and be seen!

We first went to World Market, where the employees were very thrilled to see us, and we spent several minutes doing the 'meet and greet' thing before we got down to the serious business of photo ops.

First, we checked out what the cool kids are going to be wearing for Mardi Gras.

Heehee!  We are stylin'!

Then, since we had to do something to earn our Mardi Gras beads, we did a little posing on table tops!  Heehee!

After that, Jessi decided she wanted to show the world that we really are lap dogs. Duh.  Of course we are.  Being a lap dog is all about attitude and has nothing to do with size!  Heehee!

Even a Hippobottomus can be a lap dog!

Me?  Well, I'm the Queen of the House and deserve my own throne, thankyouverymuch!
Then we meandered over to TJ Maxx, another of our favorite destinations.  On the walk, Abby decided she wanted to Be Like Mango and hide behind a tree.  We totally can't see her.  Can you?

"I'm all stealth-like."
At TJ Maxx we encountered a few characters who were trying to show they could be as attentive as we are.

Mr. Froggeh was waiting patiently for the next command.  We were waiting for treats.
This white doggie was quite the show-off.  Once he was told to 'sit' he didn't get up for ANYTHING.

Happy New Year everyone!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


rottrover said...

You girls are SO GOOD on your excursions! And table-posing...too bad there's no MangoMinster this year. That would be a great category. Mom loves your new header!

-Bart and Ruby

Dexter said...

Sorry, Abby, but your generous backsides gave you away behind that post. So what's up in your part of the country? Dogs just go into any store they please? That would not happen here in Massachusetts. Nothing is allowed here.


Two French Bulldogs said...

You guys are hilarious. Love the header
Benny & Lily

georgia little pea said...

You can go into stores! And try out stuff! That's too cool. That's how I sit on my humans too LOL.

Berts Blog said...

It is always a treat to see you two wandering through town. I was wondering how cold it was there and if your shorter hair was keeping you warm enough.

It is really cold down here, really cold. I was thinking it would be colder up there. Like way below zero.

Oh my, I am cold just thinking of it.

Stay warm

3 doxies said...

Yea, I is very interested in knowin' hows ya'll gotted to go into stores...I is so jealous. Then again, it ain't like I has any money or anything.
I likes dat white dogs, He would be betters if he was a doxie though.


Dandy Duke said...

We sure wish that we could go into all the stores that you girls get to go into! You are so lucky!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

The furst picture looks like you are DANCING at the SNOW BALL !!!

Piappies World said...

You girls really know how to have fun in the snow. You always show us fun bitey face shots, too. Happy New Year, Fiona and Abby!

Piappies - Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD what fun you all are having!!

Dory & the Gang!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

HOwdy Girls, it's always good to see your frisbee action shots. We love how you are able to go into stores too. Happy New Year to you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
P.S. LOVE your header photo.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay yes beeing a lap dog is a stayt of mind so tucker tels me!!! hay that wite dog luks like he mite be a vizsla eksept he is totaly the rong kolor!!! ok bye