Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow and Stuff

Yay!!! We are finally getting some snow!!!

The Little Monster My dear little sister Abby is even starting to get the snow thing down.

(Obligatory cute puppy picture.)

Now, on to some less exciting news.

Mom’s been having a hard time posting about this, so I’ll try for her. After several days of eating quite well on her steak-added diet, TaiChi’s appetite dropped off to one meal a day, and then went down to just being hand-fed yummies, and then yesterday and today she hasn’t wanted to eat anything, so Mom has been sticking peanut butter in her mouth, so that she’ll eat something. In all other aspects, TaiChi is comfortable, she’s going outside (well, on the porch) when she needs to, she drinks water, she takes on fluids, she’s not throwing up, but she’s just not interested in food. Needless to say, the long-term prognosis for this isn’t good, but for the moment, TaiChi sleeps comfortably, and seems to be happy being next to Mom. We’ll keep you posted on things, and as Mom keeps reminding herself, TaiChi has had a very long life (she could be 19 or older – her age is a bit of a question; she’s 18 at the minimum), and has had kidney problems for several years; it’s Mom’s good care of her that has kept her as healthy as she has been for so long. I know that Mom feels very lucky for having known TaiChi for as long as she has, and I agree with her; Abby and I are very lucky to have TaiChi as a big sister.

Sometimes TaiChi uses me as a pillow! :-)

*kissey face*


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm sure woo and Abby will help your mom will your big sisfur -

My mom has been sharing what she's read on FB -

We know all of woo will support each other as woo need to -

PeeEssWoo: SNOW!

Unknown said...

Uh-oh, I was having so much fun, but then when I read about my furiend, TaiChi...not so much. Dearest furiends, I am a big Nutrical advocate. It has saved my life, literally, several times. See if it works for your sissy who is older than the Acropolis. I'm proud of your last statement (and photo) Fiona and it reassured me you'll take excellent care of both TaiChi and Abby.
I'll be thinking of you guys, hoping this is a big misunderstanding and a false alarm.

Dexter said...

Maybe TaiChi is getting kind of tired, huh. Thank you for sharing. I know mom will take good care of her.


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Twink! Mom is going to go get some tomorrow morning; she had never heard of it before, and even if it doesn't make a huge difference, it certainly can't hurt to give it a shot. You guys are all so wonderful - thank you all!!!

Taffy said...

Gosh! I'm hoping maybe TaiChi just isn't feeling herself and will be back to normal in the morning. Fi, you are right, you and Abby are very lucky to have her as your big sis!
From Mom: I have been in that exact same place and I understand how hard it is. TaiChi will let you know when it is time and even though it is a very hard decision, it makes it a tiny bit easier knowing that she told you she was ready. We will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers (and hoping Twix is right and this is just a bump in TaiChi's road).
Twix and Mom

Lorenza said...

I will be praying for TaiChi. I know your mom will do everything needed for her.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Dear Fiona,
We have been there before. I wasn't around, but Mommy and Mack fought and fought to keep my older sister here. She had kidney disease, and Mommy tried to get her to eat;but, she just couldn't keep going. Please tell Tai - Chi to be strong and eat. She will let you know what is best for her. We have been where you are, and we know what you are going through.
Sally Ann and Family

Kari in Alaska said...

we will be keeping TaiChi in our thoughts

bbes tribe said...

We will keep TaiChi, Mom & all of you in our thoughts. We want to echo what Twix & Mom said. They said it so well.
Love & paws crossed.
Ernie, Sasha, Chica

koko said...

Oh dear! Hope TaiChi's appetite will come back soon and nothing serious... do take good care of her, Fiona... and the little de... I mean your sweet little sister, Abby too.

Licks, hero

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. And we agree with Twinkie - mom keeps a tube of Nutrical - just in case.

The Rocky Creek Gang

Michele McLaughlin said...

We are praying for you! So sorry to hear about Tai--why don't you give nutrical or baby food instead of the peanut butter (nuts are a no no with kidney problems). The beechnut or gerber meat baby foods smell disgusting but it is the one thing they do enjoy and it is easy to put in their mouth. Hope this helps. We are thinking of you and will keep checking on how Tai is doing.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Mama, Bilbo and I are keeping TaiChi and your Mama (and you, Abby and Daddy)in our thoughts and prayers Fiona.


YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Fiona, please make sure that you teach little Abby to take good care of TaiChi.

BRUTUS said...

So sad to hear... Too many old or sick pups out there right now, an alarming trend indeed. Fiona, you make Abby go easy on the ol' gal, give her some space. We'll keep our paws crossed that her appetite will return and that Tai Chi can keep you guys in line at least a little while longer!!

Brutus the Frenchie

Duke said...

Our thoughts are with TaiChi. We hope she starts eating soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Oceanside Animals said...

Sorry to hear TaiChi is feeling poorly. We hope she gets her appetite back, but we know she is happy just being with you.

Piappies World said...

Hi Fiona,

So sorry we just read about Tai-Chi. We pray that she will be ok and that she continues to eat better. It's good to know that you and Abby are there for your mom and dad and of course your big sister, Tai-Chi.

Hang in there, Tai-Chi!

-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies