Monday, October 13, 2014

In Which We Are Very Busy and Now Very Nekkid

We had a busy week.  We finally got our interwebs back (which was a good thing, as Mom was getting a little twitchy), and Mom spent a ton of time taking photos of us for her pet photography class (so she can learn to take better photos of us, of course!).

For Mom's last class assignment, she though we should all go to the park so she could get some action shots.  We were more than happy to comply!

Seriously, any class assignment that involves us going to the park is a totally awesome assignment!  Mom submitted her photos (these were her submissions, if you are curious - they all had to be in natural light, one inside, one outside and one of the location of her choice).

Her next assignment has to do with 'perspective' - with all that entails.  She has to get a head shot, a 3/4 body shot and a full body shot.  She's contemplating the photos she wants, so we have again been recruited.  Luckily, Mom has a BIG bag of liver treats!

Somewhere in all of this, Mom decided we were a wee bit shaggy and that we needed haircuts.  Something to do with us going on a walkie when it was 34F, precipitating lightly and we were panting from being hot...

So, haircuts we received....

This would be my, "Dad, help me!  Please!" look.  It didn't work.
But when it was all over (there were more liver treats involved, BTW), we were nekkid - and much cooler.

And much more aerodynamical!

I'm not sure if being less aerodynamical would have helped Abby in this case...

However, the haircuts seems to help with the effectiveness of the Doodle Launcher.

And we have a grand time with tennis ball action.  Mom finds this next photo very amusing - something about how she hears the theme from 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' every time she sees it.  Needless to say, we have No Idea What She Is Talking About.  All I know is that much bitey-face ensued shortly after this photo was taken...

Since the haircuts, we have continued to help Mom with her 'perspective' photos.

"These are not the droids you are looking for.  And you want to give me your ham sandwich."

Mom loves this angle.  And I love the liver treats!

Three-quarters of  a dog!
Apparently this is a perspective, too.  I call it a doofus!

Have a great week!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Even nekkid you gals really know how to look good doing air zoomiess!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Kinley Westie said...

Luv your pictures!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We agree. That was a pretty good homework assignment
Lily & Edward

Murphy said...

Great pics! That last pic has great perspective!!

Your Super Doodz Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Dandy Duke said...

We just love the Doodle launcher photos! You girls are such fabulous athletes!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Pepsi Bum said...


Missed me? The terror is back in town!


cody from tucson said...


This is Cookie (Cody in Tucson's replacement). I don't know where you guys are located, but I LOVE your pics. Mum and I are hoping to do some travelling after she gets the settlement from her eye injury, and am hoping to visit some of the doggies whose blogs I read -- that includes you two -- but we don't know when that is gonna b e, so keep posing for all these great pics.

chat w/you soon
Cookie in Tucson

How Sam Sees It said...

Your photos are fantastic! I need to look for a pet photography class here in AZ.

Monty and Harlow

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay dada saw the thing abowt the gud the bad and the ugly and wunderd witch wun of yoo wuz blondie!!! i do not no why he as to ask wen obviusly both of yoo ar!!! ha ha ok bye