Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our weekend

Well, the weekend isn't technically over, as Mom is taking Monday off from work - something about having a 'personal day' that she has to take before the end of the year or she loses it, so she's making this weekend a 3 day weekend - which is always good!

So, we got snow this weekend - finally!  After several weeks of extremely warm weather (and Mom grumbling about mud), it's looking a little more like winter.

Of course, Abby and I had to go play frisbee tug-o-war in the new snow.

You might think this is sisterly sharing, but in fact, neither of us wants to relinquish the frisbee!
And, we had to catch a few frisbees...

And miss a few....

Yeah, so Abby totally missed that one.  But she earned high style points!
And we played more tug-o-war...

To humor Mom (we have to do it occasionally) we posed for the camera...

Because a certain doggie couldn't keep her head still while being groomed, she has mutton-chops.  Really. Biggify that picture - you'll see 'em!

I have snow on my face?  Really?  Where?

Mom also did some 'holiday stuff' this weekend, including putting up the Christmas tree.

It's a little tree, so Mom can get it decorated with a minimum amount of fuss.  This year's tree included some new ornaments, made for us by the mother of our buddy Garth Riley.  Very crafty, his mom!  Thanks, Garth!

And, of course, the tree has some classic ornaments:

Paws for Ben, Billy, TaiChi and Bufus
The angel Yorkie in memory of all of our family and friends who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
An 'oldie' from Mom's childhood - which means it's an ancient artifact!
And because decorating the tree only takes Mom, like, 87 seconds, we got in some more frisbee tug-o-war.

Note Abby's crazy eyes!  She's not called a whack-a-doodle for nothing ya know!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


Kari in Alaska said...

What fun in the snow!

Stop on by for a visit

Two French Bulldogs said...

You must be thrilled you got some snow. We love the third picture and your cool ornaments
Benny & Lily

Millie and Walter said...

So much fun in the snow. Millie is still waiting for her first deep snow to play in.


Berts Blog said...

As always we love to watch you chase frisbees and do zoomies and wow how beautiful is your Christmas Tree and all the cool ornaments.

Glad you got snow cause that is good for us.

Bert and My Vickie

3 doxies said...

And dat is why we should has a little tree...more time fur me! But NOOOOOOO, my mum has to go all OCD withs our tree.
I always enjoy watchin' ya'll play in da snow. It's betters than me bein' out in da cold.


Two Pitties in the City said...

I always associate your blog with making the snow look gorgeous and fun. Glad it's back for you!

Dandy Duke said...

We love the sisterly sharing photo, girls! Stick to that story - it scores points with the big man *wink wink*

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

georgia little pea said...

Dear Fiona, thank you so much for visiting me. I must say your sister Abby looks very much like a dog and not much like a hippobottomus! I can't believe your typist took 87 seconds to put up that tree. My Typist took 6 hours to put up ours, how silly was that? You got some cool ornaments too! Hooroo for now! X

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Fiona and Abby, firstly we have to say thanks cause you reminded mum we had some of Garth's ornaments too and had forgotten to put them on the tree. It took mum about 87 minutes to find them cause she had put them in a 'safe' place hehehe.

We always love your snow photos and frisbee action. Thanks for showing us your beautiful tree. Mum has some ancient ornaments too. We aren't even allowed to sniff them! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

The World According to Garth Riley said...

I so wish I could come play in the snow with you two! You always look like you have so much fun together!

Your ornaments look great on your tree! Glad you like them.

your pal,