Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Awards and Cool Pressies!

As you may recall, TaiChi and I got a box from Mango a while back, and Mom FINALLY helped us open it.

And guess what?!? It was our awards from MangoMinster!!!!

*gah* I've tried loading this picture 3 times, and it is still sideways.. Oh well, you get the idea!

Here is the backsides of them:

We are SO EXCITED!!! Mom and Dad have all these skiing and car racing trophies and medals and stuff, and we are so excited to have our very own medals!!!! These are Super Heavy Duty medals, too!!! We honestly didn't expect anything like this! (And I'm using a lot of exclamation points, because we really are super excited!)

So, of course, we had to model them. TaiChi, in keeping with her Bad Sport self, didn't see the need to actually wake up for the photo shoot.

So I offered to model them both. Because I make a good model, if I say so myself!

We haven't figured out a permanent place for them (although I think I'm going to try to hit Grandpa up to make a 'shadow box' frame for them. *hint*hint*), but at the moment, we felt that Mr. Bufus should have the honors.

Mango also sent us some MangoMinster magnets, but Mom didn't get a picture of them. We also a cool bag (I'm telling ya', this was a great box of goodies!) with some Most Excellent chewies and a toy. Mom managed to get a picture of the bag and toy before Abby stole the toy...

As for the chewies, we might have "tested" a few of the treats before Mom could get a picture.... (Now Mom wants to find more of them, since we gave them the 12 Paws Up stamp of approval - even though TaiChi didn't eat one, she still approved because we were too busy munching to accidentally jump on her!)

*ahem* (But they were tasty!)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mango for the Most Excellent Award Box of Goodies!!!! This has been a great week, pressie-wise!

Speaking of awards, all three of us got and award from the Most Excellent Vizsla Dog, Dennis:

Too cool! Thanks very much, Dennis! If I understand this correctly, I'm supposed to give this to 15 people. Wow. 15. Hmmm. Totally at random (because I love all my friends) are 15 people: 1) Doby and Lola, 2) MollieJo and Bobo, 3) Farley 4) Twix (of the Most Excellent Paw-It-Forward packages!) , 5) The Schnoodles , 6) Sierra Rose , 7) Stacey Mae , 8) McGillicutty 9) The TN Bull 'Terrors' (heehee) 10) Benny and Lilly , 11) Lorenza (who is the Best Dresser I know!) , 12) Ginger Jasper (because I love kittehs, too!) 13) Abby (even though she shares a name with The Little Monster my dear sister) 14) Brutus (as an aside, Mom and Dad saw some Brutus look-alikes walking in the snow today and couldn't stop laughing) 15) Luna (whose Mom seems to spend almost as much time on Facebook as my Mom does... if that is possible)

*whew* That's a lot of people. Thanks for the award, Dennis, but next time could you give one that requires less people to pass it along to? Thanks! :-)

And on a final note, thanks for all the words of support regarding The Little Monster. I would like you to know, however, that I had the final word. (For now.)


*kissey face*


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That last pikh!


I do think one day, it will khome bakhk to bite woo on the bum!

Khograts to all of woo on MM 2010!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Do woo two KNOW what your mom says about woo on FB???

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

That is what my foster sister did to me....Bit me right on the butt...Oh my...

Congrats on MM and Congrats and much thanks to the award you passed us!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Bonnie the Foster Sibling

Dexter said...

Oh I am I am going to try that butt bite move myself (and be sure to rinse afterwards). I have never seen those nommy chews before, but I think I included a little card from My Pet Haven where the nice lady is who helped momma put together the goodie bags.

You look so grand in your medals. I think TaiChi is modeling hers in an appropriately bad sport manner.


Tucker said...

Most excellent prizes!

Your cookies look scrumpcious!

woof - Tucker

Anonymous said...

Gosh, those are some of the Most Beautiful pressies I've ever seen. And you look like an Olympic champion with those medals around your neck. Congratulations on your wins. I missed Mango Minster this year but I can hardly wait for next year!

Wiggles & Wags,

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What great metals and prizes!! You are a very good model Fiona.

Congrats on your award!

PeeEss...Great butt bite move!!

Kari in Alaska said...

Mesa loves her super awesome medal too!

Unknown said...

Let the Bad Sport rest! As for you, Fiona, what a proud award bearer. I loved the modeling shot. As for the awards and the goodies! Pawsome, just as MM was!

Martha said...

You look wonderful with your medals!!!!
Many congratulations!
Enjoy your goodies.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

What great goodies you got! Meowm finally mailed the package we have for you just yesterday...she is very slow.

Duke said...

OMG, are you biting your sissy on the butt? haha
Your medals look just beautiful on you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Clive said...

Yes indeed, the presents from Mango were fantastic. We really enjoyed opening our box last week! The medals looked wonderful on you Fiona!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

Lorenza said...

The medals and the presents are pawesome!
Congratulations on your Award too!
And thanks for giving it to me!
I had a good laugh with that bitte-butt picture!
Kisses and hugs

1000 Goldens said...

I am most impressed with the Mango Momma - those medals are awesome!! Fiona, we can't get over the picture of you with your mouth wrapped around Abbey's bum. What would Santa say if he saw that? Thank you so much for the award :)

Anonymous said...

lovin' that last pict! looks like you're playin' bitey-hiney!

bichonpawz said...

Congratulations on your awards!!! Well deserved and they look awesome on you! FAB prezzies!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona its dennis the vizsla dog hay grate loot from mango!!! and i no abowt the awards i had to hand owt like fifty of them on the sunday awards and meem show and i wuz lokd in a handbag the hole time it wuz not eezy!!! ok bye

D.K. Wall said...

Laughing at that last picture. That was great.