Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our Entry for Dory's Smiley-Fest

Mom's been slacking (again), but she FINALLY is getting around to getting our entries in for Dory's Smiley-Fest.

Here is my entry:

I am smiling because I just got in from play in the SNOW!!! If you look very closely, I have a chunk of snow between my eyes! And that gives me even more reason to smile! I am a Very Happy Dog here! (Not that I'm not usually a Happy Dog, but this snow stuff? It makes me a Very Happy Dog!) And Mom says I'm looking more like a Retriever. I wonder what she mean by this. Not that it matters. I know that she thinks I'm Very Pretty!

And I have another entry. I think Dory should create a special category for Old Doggies (or Old Beasties, if you prefer). Because while TaiChi's teeth aren't exactly pearly white anymore, she still smiles. In this particular picture (taken last fall), she was smiling at the fact that she was bigger (and on top of) me!!! See that glint in her eye? And the smile on her lips? She's TOTALLY got the Mona Lisa thing going on! (You may have to biggify to really see the Mona Lisa thing.)

Me? I was still suffering for Very Little Dog-itis. Serious Deer-in-the-headlights look! And I still can't believe that I was Ever That Little!!! But TaiChi is Very Pretty.

And since we are speaking about TaiChi? First, thanks for all of your kind wishes for her. Because she is So Old and Venerable, Mom is worried that she is fragile (which, well, she is, because she is Old and Venerable), and so she appreciates all the kind comments.

So, back to TaiChi. Most of the reports have come back, and the good news is that it is Very Unlikely that she has cancer. She does have an infection of some sort, but we won't know more about that until Monday. They've got her on antibiotics for that. The only issue is that the level of nitrogen in her blood is rising, while her creatinine (?) level is remaining pretty steady. Generally if the two rise together, it's a clear indicator that there is something wrong with her kidneys. For the nitrogen to rise while the creatinine doesn't is a bit puzzling, so Mom has collected some of her poop and will take it to the vet tomorrow for him to look at. Heehee. Now I can see the fascination in poop, but I am amazed that there are humans who study poop. Maybe they were dogs in their former lives!

The good news is that TaiChi seems to be feeling okay, is eating fine, pooping fine, is getting fluids to help flush out her bladder/kidneys, and doesn't seem to be having any noticeable issues. In short, even if she is sick with something, she's not acting like she feels sick. Which is a good thing. Mom just wants to make sure that all her plumbing is working okay, because these things seem to break easily when you get old, and she doesn't want to miss something that could get worse.

Oh, and one other thing: Mom took me on a hike today, since the weather was nice (50 degrees and sunny). It was pretty muddy - which suited me just fine - but we had a good time. Except for when the vet called, and Mom stopped and talked to him (she didn't want to keep walking and lose the phone signal) - that part was kind of boring. But the rest of it? Totally fun!!! Mom just didn't bring her camera for some silly reason, so we don't have any pictures. But if we go tomorrow? I'll make sure she's got her camera, because it is still pretty out!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All those nice smiles from woo khrazy girrrrrls!

I'm glad woo got a hike with your mom - all I got was some khwality time sitting/laying out in the rain.

I'm glad to see TaiChi is still not akhting as if anything is wrong -

Paws khrossed fur the meds to khlear up what might be happening -

As fur the lakhk of pikhs - that IS what they make tomorrow fur!


BRUTUS said...

Nice to see that you are such a happy dog Fiona! It sure seems like you do have a lot to smile about :)

Glad to hear that TaiChi is holding her own. We'll keep our paws crossed that the vet can get her strainghtened out!

Brutus the Frenchie

Anonymous said...

What a little round ball of fluff you were Fiona! I could have used you to powder my nose! ;) tee hee.

We seriously hope TaiChi will be better soon and are glad to hear it's not cancer.
Wild Dingo Gang

Taffy said...

HiFi! I have some catching up to do....I love popcorn too but I would NEVER leave any laying around. I love your rain coat! You look so pretty in yellow. I'm glad TaiChi is doing ok. My momma knows how your momma feels with having an older dog, even tho I'm not quite up there with TaiChi. Mom says its coming. I love your smile in that pic. I agree about a section for older dogs as I don't smile much either....actually ever but that doesn't mean I'm not happy.

Lorenza said...

Those are beautiful smiles!
Good luck at the contest!
Glad to know TaiChi is doing well!
Kisses and hugs

Audrey the Photographer Dog said...

Perty smiiile! What a happy girl!

Dexter said...

Ah, people do love to study poop. I think they try to use it to tell your fortune. I will think hard on them seeing a bright future for little TaiChi.

You have a very happy smile, but TaiChi's is more complex. I think that comes with age, huh?


D.K. Wall said...

Love your smile. It sure is a Snow Smile.

Glad to here TaiChi seems to be doing well. Paws crossed as the additional test results come in.

bichonpawz said...

What FABulous smiles!!! You are one happy pup, Fi!!! Look at those pearly whites!!! And we are sooooo glad to hear that TaiChi is doing well! Hugs from Chloe and LadyBug, the NY BichonFrises

Martha said...

Hi Fiona, that is a wonderful smile. We see the blob of snow too and wondered if it dripped down when it melted!
You look very happy - good luck with the competition.
We are pleased to hear about TaiChi - we have our paws crossed!
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We love the picture of you and TaiChi. Since we didn't know you then, it's hard to imagine you so tiny.

Have a great day and enjoy your walk.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Great smile and we love that snow dot on your forehead! :)

Mia said...

We're so glad to hear that TaiChi is feeling ok. We hope all of her tests come back ok. We would hate see anything happen her Old and Venerable self!!!

Love the snow on your forehead!


Sierra Rose said...

Great photos!!!
And, good news on TaiChi...hope the puzzling issues somehow work themselves out....
(Ps. mom looks at my poop ALL THE see if the confiscated items I snaggle come out!)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Dandy Duke said...

What a pretty smile you have, Fiona! That's a great picture!
Our paws are crossed for TaiChi!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Army of Four said...

Those are LOVELY smiles!
Good thoughts for Tai Chi!

Daisy Dog said...

TaiChis' smile is a classic Mona Lisa!!! That should be entered too!

1000 Goldens said...

We're so glad to hear TaiChi seems to be feeling better. LOVE the smile photo, you are no doubt a happy girl and the snowball hair is a nice touch :)

P.S. TaiChi looks a little like Stevie Nicks is that picture. Just sayin...

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What great smileys you both have!!!!

We are keeping Tai Chi on our paw list!!
