Hi everybody! I'm back!
Yes, I was gone, thanks for noticing! *grin* Of course you missed me. I know it!*ahem*
This weekend Mom and Dad had a big car race in Pocatello (aka 'Pocatato'), Idaho. This race is called Summerfast, and is a Big Deal, because three regions (Utah, Eastern Idaho and the Snake River Regions) all get together to compete against one another for bragging rights and a big trophy. Because this is a 2 day event, we took the House With Wheels up.

The drive up to Pocatato is about 3 hours, and so Abby and I spent a lot of time getting comfortable. We tried the time-tested yin-and-yang position first.

And then we got bored and started wandering around a bit. Here, Abby has clearly done
something wrong, because she's looking REALLY guilty.
Maybe she farted. Heehee.
My sister's lard butt makes for a very good pillow...

And here I am preparing to move into a more comfortable location.

Mom's lap is WAY more comfy than the floor!
See, I am so a lap dog!Anyhoo, we made it up to Idaho and Abby and I
got tons of attention and front row seats spent a lot of time snoozling while Mom and Dad were driving and working, and not taking pictures of us (or themselves, apparently). Seriously. This is the only picture they got of us all weekend!
But don't worry, we actually got a bunch of attention. On Saturday it was about eleventy-billion degrees out, and since Uncle Charlie and Aunt Linda didn't want their kids to turn into piles of cinders in front of their eyes, the kids came into the air-conditioned House With Wheels, and pulled out all sorts of toys for us, and kept us quite entertained. But did anyone get any pictures of this? Of course not. Mom and Dad were either racing or working all weekend long, so they didn't get any pictures of themselves (or anyone else - but I'll get to that in a second) either, so Abby and I don't feel quite so neglected.
Anyhoo. Speaking of eleventy-billion degrees, apparently most of Idaho was on fire. The race was held at the Pocatello Regional Airport, which is also (apparently) a base for fire control, and this plane was flying in and out all weekend long.

The only reason Mom got this picture is because they had to stop the race every time a plane went by. There was also this really cool 'Sky Crane' that was helping to fight the fire.
It actually landed, near the race course, but Mom didn't have her camera on her at the time, due to the whole racing/working thing... The haze in the pictures is actually from the smoke from the fire(s).
There was even a Coast Guard Jayhawk helicopter than landed (
but again, Mom didn't have her camera).
So, some pictures of the race. Mom didn't get any. However, one of the racers is a photographer, and took some pictures of some of the cars (not the one Mom and Dad were driving, however...). So, with credit and many thanks to
Chuck Bissey for the pictures from the race.
Here is a Utah car - a C Prepared car (called the 'heavy metal class' because of the muscle cars that are used to make the cars that race in this class). Nice braking there!

And here is a car that Mom was quite fond of. Until she heard it run. Or didn't hear it, as the case may be. It is a Tesl
a, which is an electric car - which means no 'vroom-vroom' noises. And apparently Mom needs to be able to hear the engine to know what she's doing.
Yeah, I have no idea what that means, either. I think it's a pretty car!
And here are a couple other of the fast cars that were out there.

Above is a Utah driver, and below is a Pocatello driver. Both were quite speedy!

I just like this next picture, even though something looks fundamentally wrong....

Anyhoo, despite not having any pictures, Mom and Dad had a great time, and after two days of racing, over a hundred drivers, about a bazillion runs, and all sorts of mathematical slights-of-hand (
done by the Pocatello people, BTW - it's not like Mom was using her 'statistical mathematics' to manipulate results...), when it came down to it, Utah Region and Eastern Idaho Region (Pocatello) were tied, and they had to take 21st place on the 2nd day to break the tie. And guess who happened to be in the 21st place, and who was the tie-breaker? Yep. You guessed it! Dad! So, Dad won the big trophy (
of which we have no pictures), for Utah!!!! Go Dad!!! (
Even though we have no pictures of you!)
Despite the lack of pictures, Mom and Dad had a ball. After the racing was all done yesterday, we got all packed up, and drove back home. We got home about 9pm last night and everyone (
except Abby, who is suffering from serious case of Puppy Brain) was exhausted. Mom and Dad were still quite tired today (this racing stuff seems to wear them out), but they did take us on a walk today, and the
evil pond troll nice Animal Control officer wasn't there, so we got to go swimming.

And we also got in some 'illegal' off-leash fetch time. Because we are rebels
without a clue like that.

Me, doing my own zoomies!
We are
such law breakers!!!
BTW, now that we are back, I'll make sure Mom helps me catch up on all the bloggies!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy