By drliz
When I ordered it, it was described as being a pattern 'for those people who don't have a lot of time' and for beginners. Where not having a lot of time means that if you (personally) can create the world in seven days, this will be a snap. And beginners being those of you who will no longer be beginners by the time you are done, because about 50% of this is half stitches. So maybe I am not quite the stitching goddes that I thought I was, if this is for beginners. Makes me feel a little more trepedation about some of the more ambitious patterns that I've got....
And why does this seem like it's become a needlepoint only blog? Probably only because there's nothing else exciting going on at the moment. And in all truth, no excitement is a good thing. Really.
Actually, thanks for the kind thoughts on Bufus. He seems to be carrying on life as usual; he's not exactly a wildly active cat at this point in his life, so the fact that he's eating and sleeping as usual is all a good thing. And he's still keeping the puppy at bay, so all is good on that front.
CUTE! What are you going to do with all these things you are cross-stitching?
Who knows? At this point, I'm just enjoying the process. I've got a kitteh one lined up that I'm going to give to our neighbors (once I actually do it...) who have been quite helpful in loaning cat carriers, providing moral support, and researching all sorts of things online for us, who have a pair of kittehs, but that's the only one I'm actually DOING anything with. I'm thinking a lot of people could end up with hand-made presents this year.... Hmmm....
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