Thursday, November 9, 2017


Yeah, so, it's that time again - time to have our furs stolen.  Admittedly, we were all getting a little shaggy, and Little Miss Tumbleweed was most definitely in need of a haircut.

Here is Lucy-Fur's 'before' photo - a true tumbleweed!

And here she is, as a groomed tumbleweed!

She's still a bit of a widebody (it's the prednisone - she'll lose her pear-shape!), but even I have to admit that she's pretty cute!

Daisy and I are also both looking quite stunning! (Okay, Daisy still looks a little nuts, but a groomer can't do much about that!  Heehee!)

*kissey face*
-Saint Fiona the Patient, Crazy Daisy, and Lucy-Fur

1 comment:

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and daisy and lucy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hav not myself ever had a harecut becuz vizsla but trixie had them frum time to time and she wood komplayn bitterly abowt havving her byootiful furs stolen but yoo girls shoor do luk sharp afterwards!!! ok bye