Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Costumes

I am WAY too dignified a doggie to put with this Halloween nonsense.  However, everyone does have their price, and I will admit that for some mighty tasty duck snacks I can be bribed to share my couch with the crazy youngsters...

At least Mom acknowledges that I AM Wonder Woman for allowing the youngsters to be on my couch!
Lucy clearly had no idea what was going on with the whole super hero cape thing, and Mom debated between pulling out Daisy's ghost costume from last year (see below), before deciding on a witch's hat.

Lucy really has no idea how lucky she is.  I mean, she could have been a stand-in for Charlie Brown...

Daisy last year, when she was young and pliable... Sort of...
As you can see, Mom isn't really hip to this whole Halloween costume thing.  However, this last weekend she photographed a bunch of smoosh-faced doggies (aka French Bulldogs) whose parents were totally into the the Halloween thing.  Here are a few of Mom's favorites.

This was Mom's favorite - a "French" Frenchie, complete with beret!

Mom rather liked this one, too - this doggie was a sushi, complete with wasabi and ginger on her seaweed nori!

And really, who doesn't love a slightly crazed looking Darth Vader/

Scary clown and non-Frenchie sailor with her own boat!
Which, of course, brings us to the classic Jaws quote, "We're gonna need a bigger boat!"

And who can say no to Mr. T?

I wonder if Mom could have found a larger version of this next costume for Daisy...

Or maybe this one....

I think we got off easy!  Heehee!  Happy Howl-o-ween!

*kissey face*
-Saint Fiona the Patient, Crazy Daisy, and Lucy-Fur


Kinley Westie said...

Cute costumes!

Duke said...

You are the most adorable witch, Lucy!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and daisy and lucy its dennis the vizsla dog hay luk at all those trik or treeter dogs!!! my dada sez he thawt the sushi dog wuz a rokkit dog at first wich is kind of serprizing given how mutch sushi he eets!!! ha ha ok bye