Friday, April 8, 2011

Bitey-face is ALWAYS better in new snow

Really, bitey-face is always better in snow!

Frisbee time in snow is good, too.

Heehee. I love to play tug-o-war with Mom!

Snow zoomies are good, too.

My sister is crazy, dontcha think? But I love her anyway.

And yes, Abby is taking advantage of the new snow to cool her belly. Or whatever she's doing there...


It's supposed to snow tomorrow, too, so if anyone (I'm talking to all you Huskies out there!) wants to come visit, the party is at our house!!!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


Unknown said...

Er...that doesn't just look like Bitey-Face but Bitey-Body-Everywhere! Hee! Hee!

Gosh, with the constant amounts of snow that you guys keep getting, I keep expecting to come round next time and only see pictures of huge mounds of snow with just the top of your heads poking out! HA! HA!

Honey the Great Dane

D.K. Wall said...

We are trying to get the hu-dad to load the Jeep right now so we can drive over. What is it - like an hour or so?

Michele McLaughlin said...

Geez louise, are you guys ever going to have spring and get all muddy like us? :D
Seamus and Teddy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I hope you have fun in your snow.. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 84 degrees at my house... I KNOW I am gonna be enjoying THAT.

Anonymous said...

It may be cold up your way but it looks like a lot of wacky fun!

Sue said...

I'm afraid to let Tsar see your post. He'd be heading for the airport to join you in all that neat snow. It's 86 here today.

Duke said...

We just came from Lorenza's blog and she has 90 degree temps and we come here and you girls are playing in the snow. It hardly seems possible!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

I read Maggie and Mitch comment!
That is exactly what I was thinking!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Michelle Maskaly said...

Wow, more snow?! I thought it was bad that we still have snow on the ground here in upstate New York. Good luck!

Two French Bulldogs said...

momma is cracking uo laughing..
Benny & Lily

Amber-Mae said...

DANG you ladies can get pretty wild out there!

Dexter said...

I think you have snow madness.
