Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TheCheeseburger Dispensary (and Mom's Birthday)

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Mom! She may be older than dirt, but she's still our Mom, and we love her, no matter how ancient she is.

We're waiting for our cheeseburgers...

Speaking of cheeseburgers, I have a slight bone to pick with Mom. Okay, so it was her birthday, right? And since she had to go to the store to get a couple of other things, she decided to buy her birthday cake. Okay. Fine. But on the way home from the store, Mom drove to this building we've driven past a million times before, rolled down her window (okay, she pressed a button - who actually rolls down windows anymore?) and then drove to another window where some guy handed her a cheeseburger! I want to know why was I not told about the cheeseburger dispensary before yesterday?!? WHY? We've driven past this place a zillion times, and Not Once has Mom stopped at the cheeseburger window. I mean, a window that hands out cheeseburgers, and we've NEVER stopped?!? Never. Ever.

The only upside to this whole thing is now I KNOW where this cheeseburger dispensary is, and lemme tell you, there is No Way I'm going to let Mom drive past this place again without stopping to be handed a cheeseburger. How cool is this world that you can drive to a window and be handed a cheeseburger? I think the humans may finally be on the right track....

Okay, so back to the cheeseburgers. Mom didn't get the greatest pictures in the world, (something about how she couldn't take a good picture while trying to not have her fingers eaten; I have No Idea what she is talking about...) but we did get our cheeseburgers.

TaiChi said that she used to get cheeseburgers All The Time. And I don't think she was lying. I think Mom and Dad have been holding out on us. I should have believed TaiChi's stories of cheeseburger stores. At least now I know they are All True (and not just wild tales of The Old Days, or the wistful fantasies of an old poodle)!

Oh yeah. So for Mom's birthday, she got a cake, and Abby and I were quite helping in staging the photo....

Watch out, Mom.... You're gonna drop the cake...

Mom decided that she couldn't get us to sit next to her while holding a burning cake. Sometimes I think opposable thumbs were wasted on her. So she shooed us away and took a picture where she wasn't required to actually HOLD anything.


To celebrate Mom's birthday, Mom and Dad went out to dinner. Without us. Really. You would think they would want to celebrate ALL their special occasions with us, but apparently not. However, they went to someplace where they came back smelling like raw fish, which was pretty cool because we got to give them lots of kisses and smell all that yummy fish! Maybe next time they'll take us... We could pretend to be service dogs. Really, we could. Maybe. Okay, maybe not. Nevermind. Maybe next time they'll get their sushi delivered to the house so we can, ah, help them eat it. You know, in case they order too much or something. Heehee.

Of course, to celebrate Mom's birthday, we also engaged in some bitey-face for her entertainment...


But seriously, the best part of the day was discovering that the tales of the cheeseburger stores are more than just myths! :-) Happy birthday, Mom!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


Kari in Alaska said...

How dare they go out ot dinner without you!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I wonder if there are Cheeseburger Dispensary places around here?

PeeEssWoo: Mom is drooling ovFUR the rawfish dinner place!

3 doxies said...

OH DEARS!!!!!!! I is late to da party! Oh, I is very sorry but I is heres now to wish your mom a happy belated birfday. I'll have a beer to celebrate her special day!
Nows bout dis cheeseburger thing...I must have proof they gives them out at windows. Maybe I'll try to go to da good neighbors window.

Seriously, your mom is 40???????
All I can say is WOW! I hope my mum looks dat good at 40...hers don't has long to go eithers...hehehe!


Mogley G. Retriever said...

Cheeseberger Windows? What will they think of next? Drive through ice cream cones vendors? What about the stories I have heard about a place called a butcher shop that hands our bones at the counter? We need to get out more. I guess there is something to those old stories our mommy told us when we were just young puppies.

Mogley G. Retriever

Lorenza said...

Glad your mom had a great day!
Aaaand the discovery of those cheesburgers.... wow!
I hope you two will get them often!
Kisses and hugs

jen said...

Happy belated Birthday to your Mom!
Holy Cheeseburgers:)

koko said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Mom!... and many more to come.

Licks, hero

Duke said...

We've heard about that cheeseburger dispensary. Maybe one day our hoomans will be nice and take us through!
Your mom's cake sure looks yummy. We hope you girls got a lick of the frosting!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

A cheeseburger Dispensery??? What a wonderful world we live in!! BUTT WHY are we just NOW finding out about this???

1000 Goldens said...

Ohhhh Happy Belated Birthday - sorry we are late making the blog rounds!! Love the ladies in their party hats and Farley is jealous and would like a cheeseburger now :)

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Yikes, I'm late!! Happy Belated Gotcha Day to your Mom!! She doesn't look a day over 40, unlike my Mom, sheesh.

& um, where is this cheeseburger dispensary you speak of?? I need one in my home!


Anonymous said...

Woah! i'm like a billion times more ancient than YOUR mom... good thing you're with her. i'm much too ancient and slow...

she looks good for eleventy zillion dog years.

and um, how come your bite faces NEVER look the same? you'd think you'd have run out of moves by now. nope!

Tracy said...

awww, Happy B'day and cute cute dogs!

I really enjoyed visiting your site...very cute!
Since you like dogs, check out my book about our golden retriever :)

bichonpawz said...

We know all about the Cheeseburger Dispensary Place!!! We get to go to them on special occasions!! Aren't they just great??? Happy Birthday to your MOM!!! xoxo Chloe, LadyBug, and the Mama

Unknown said...

Oh Fiona! I've been to that Cheeseburger place too! (Except that Hsin-Yi doesn;t like cheese so she calls it the Quarter-Pounder-No-Cheese place) - and they got real fright when I leaned out the window next to Hsin-Yi when they were handing us the big paper bag with all the yummy smells - hee! hee!

Oh - belated Happy Birthday to your Mom! So sorry we're late - we're behind as usualy in catching up with blog friends. It sounds like she had a great birthday - Hsin-Yi just had her birthday last week too and she is not that far off the big 4-0 either! (3 years in fact!) I also like to smell my humans' breath when they come home to check out what yummies they've been enjoying without me! :-)

Hey - have you heard about my new contest yet?? Do come over to my blog to check out all the details but I really hope you will enter!! It's all about having fun and you & Abby are great at doing that! And your Mom seems like someone who knows how to have fun too - I'm sure you'd make a great team! So please, please do give it a go!

Honey the Great Dane