Yeah, really. More snow. Go figure! Heehee.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts about my itchies (and sorry to anyone who left the post feeling itchy!)! I am feeling better, and I am 'tapering off' the meds. I'm not itchy any more, and the prednisone is making me pee alot (and Mom is getting a little tired of waking up at 2am and then again at 5am to take me out) so I'm taking less and less of the pills, and Mom is hoping that I'll stay non-itchy even without the pills. Mom is going to keep some on hand, though, so if I get the itchies again, I won't have to wait 12 hours to see the vet to get more.
I'm still a little sleepy, but we've had tons more new snow, and I've been able to go out and frolic in it. Mom's been slacking a bit in posting pictures (something about how she's got 'other stuff to do' - I don't know what could possibly be more important than posting pictures of me...), so here are some pictures from the last couple of days.
As usual, Abby and I have been doing zoomies.
And we've been bitey-ing each other.
Mom also got some 'art photos' of us. 'Cause Mom can't let us outside without having the flashy beast in her hands, and we need to keep her amused.
Oh, and for those of you who are wondering how our new metal roof has been working out? Mom was shoveling snow from where it slides off the roof, and noticed that it was still sliding. Since the flashy beast is always close at hand, she stopped shoveling to get this picture....
And in other snow-related matters, Dad's a bit grumbly because the motor that lifts the plow up and down on the ATV broke yesterday (like REALLY broke - the entire casing and everything came off) and he had to do the driveway with the snowblower. And we've got a BIG driveway...
Now it's time to go play in the snow some more before dinner!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus