I can't believe it. Little Crazy Daisy will be one year old on July 25th. Truthfully, a year ago, I didn't even know of the wee rat's existence
and probably would have been terrified if I had known. *ahem* Anyhoo, Daisy will be a year old, and I can assure you that she hasn't exactly become a calm, sedate adult. In fact, she's insane.
Just the other day, I was going for a tennis ball, and the beast came after me (not the tennis ball), and almost slammed into me, and then flew over me, and then tried to make it look like it was all planned.
Yep. A year old and her brakes are shot! |
Daisy thinks she should take up Minoan bull dancing next. I think Daisy should take up any sport that doesn't include me as an obstacle! |
And then Daisy tries to make it look like she planned this.... *sigh* |
However, it does appear that Crazy Daisy is finally (sort of) figuring out how to catch things - on occasion, so maybe this last year hasn't been a complete waste....
Oh, wait. Those are the wrong photos. I actually have a photo of her catching a frisbee.
Although it is possible that Mom photoshopping this next photo....
She actually did catch this one, I promise!
And hey, we DID go to the Magic Cheeseburger Window to celebrate Daisy's birthday, which was much appreciated. And much deserved, as I had to wear the Dreaded Birthday Hat. Seriously, it wasn't even MY birthday, and I still had to wear the Dreaded Birthday Hat.
Something about wanting to re-create this photo of the two of us when Daisy wasn't quite 3 months old...
This was for our Grandpa's birthday... At almost 3 months old... |
Mom is squeeing over how little and cute Daisy was, and all I can think is how much I was hoping Daisy was just a temporary visitor....
However, because I am a NICE sister, I will share growing-up photos of Miss Daisy.
Some of her first photos home....
Her very first photo at home. |
Me, entirely uncertain as to what to make of this wee intruder.... |
Back when her head wasn't much bigger than a tennis ball (and she wasn't allow off leash)... |
"So, um, Mom, how long is this thing staying with us?!?" |
Yep, she's always been crazy.... |
One of the few walkies where she wasn't trying to bitey me... |
Who knew she'd grow up to be such a demon dog?!? |
And here she is at 6 months... In winter, I do like to play bitey-face, and Daisy was still manageable at 6 months - even if she was still crazy!
Yeah, thanks, Daisy. I didn't need my tail ANYWAY.... |
She certainly couldn't catch at this point, but she loved to run through the snow! |
Oh yeah - she was still crazy at 6 months! |
Little Puppy Pants.... |
Walking with Daddy - still a little puppy at this point. |
And totally goofy at 6 months... |
Here are the rest of her monthly photos; note that I don't always look wildly thrilled about these photos - it took me quite a while to get used to the idea of sharing my couch with Daisy... In fact, I'm still not totally used to the idea....
November 2016 - 4 months |
December 2016 - 5 months |
January 2017 - 6 months |
February 2017 - 7 months |
March 2017 - 8 months |
April 2017 - 9 months |
May 2017 - 10 months |
June 2017 - 11 months |
So, a year of Daisy.... I guess at this point, she's staying, huh? Oh well, I do like going to the Magic Cheeseburger Window.... And I shouldn't complain too much - she isn't a bad napping buddy, and she's a good hiker. And she is good to bitey in winter.... And she has kept me company, even when she annoys me!
Speaking of little sisters, here is the latest photo of Daisy's puppy. (
Mom keeps assuring me that Lucy-fur is going to be Daisy's puppy, and I can just hide on the couch. Yeah.... We'll see about that....) So here is Lucy-fur, at a little over 5 weeks. She looks like she's going to be trouble! *sigh* I'll be the one hiding in the closet!
Looks like trouble to me! |
Have a great week!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Daisy the Bandersnatch (and soon, Lucy-fur)