Sunday, October 6, 2013

We Had Such a Fun Weekend!

Well, the entire week was great, but the weekend was PAWSOME!

On Friday morning, we woke up to snow!!!

Friday 4:45am, Abby surveying the snow
We thought Mom would be happy to allow us to play in the snow before she went to work, but apparently she was all into hustling us back inside.  What a kill-joy!
When Mom was at work, we surveyed the Winter Wonderland from our observation deck.

"How long do you think this will stick around?"  "Noon.  Maybe."
And our snow did melt pretty quickly, but that didn't mean we didn't get to enjoy it.

When Mom got home from work, she took us on a walkie, and we checked out the remnants of the snow, and the last of the fall colors.

"We'll be doing snow zoomies in no time!"
While the plows had cleared off the streets, there was still some snow at our house.  Although someone was pretty much sick of posing for photos at this point.  Me?  I knew there were sausage treats as soon as the photo shoot was over.

"Abs - the longer you look grumpy, the longer we'll have to sit here."  "Mom will give in.  Trust me."
Mom took pity on us and just forked over the sausage treats.

While most of our snow was gone by Saturday, we were still able to get in a little early-season frisbee funballs in snow.


The key to a great season of Winter Frisbee Funballs is early season training, and we got in a great session! 

By Sunday, most of our snow was gone but Mom kept looking across the canyon, talking about how the fall colors would be gone soon...

Aforementioned fall colors.
And she thought a hike on the trail that loops around that hill would be fun.  So early Sunday afternoon we hit the trails.  It was an absolutely beautiful day!  Mom was a little surprised at how much snow was still on the ground, but it didn't stop us, as we are Intrepid Hikers!   BTW, biggify these photos for full effect.

"Follow me, Abs!  I was hiking these trails with Mom when you were nothing more than a thought!"

Wheee!  Snow!  Fall leaves!  Moose tracks!  It doesn't get any better than this!

Onward and upward!

"Abs, this is a Perfect Sunday Afternoon!"  "Yuh.  We should demand snowy trails and clear blue skies all the time!"
To humor Mom, we stopped for a few "photo ops."

"Why yes, we DO enhance the scenery!"

"Yeah, yeah - beautiful trees, beautiful doggies.  Now let's get a move on!"
Mom heeded our wishes and we continued on with the hike.

"Look at all the snow!  And the mud!  This is AWESOME!"

"Abs, are we The Luckiest Doggies ever, or what?"

I can see why Mom wanted to come up and look at the trees before all the leaves fall off!
Once we made it to the top (well, the top of the trail we were on - we could have gone higher up, but Mom is still getting over her sickies, and she didn't want to "push it" - she's feeling better, but she's still "recuperating"),  we started heading back down.  This part of the loop takes us through an aspen grove, and Mom kept snapping photos.

"C'mon Mom!  There are trees to be seen and mud puddles to be explored!"
"Follow the muddy brick road!"

Did I mention that we are Super Lucky doggies?

Mom keep looking up and oohing and aahing at the trees and the sky, so we let her take a picture that didn't include us.  But only one!
Okay, enough scenery.  Back to us!

"Abs, stick with me - we'll find the best mud!"
"And the best snow!"

"We should do this more often!"  "Definitely!"

"This was a Totally Pawsome hike!"  "Totally.  Maybe Mom will take us snowshoeing this winter."
It was a GREAT hike, and a beautiful day!  The perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

AND, it wore the Hippobottomus out. 

At least for a little bit.  Which is all anyone can hope for.

Because she'll be back to this in no time...

Have a great week!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


rottrover said...

That WAS a perfect Sunday hike! Out mom went to the mountains for the weekend and didn't even TAKE us!!! Sheesh. (But she did see beautiful fall leves and blue sky and all that stoopid stuff!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

Jean said...

Snow already !!
We are hanging on to summer here in France.
Lulu is still sunbathing in the afternoons and we are still having BBQ's and sitting out until.......far too late! The French now know that the English are officially mad.
Wonderful photos of your great day out !!

Dandy Duke said...

We love the "wore out" picture! haha
Yes, you girls are the luckiest ever! Snow and hiking is so much fun!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

What a fantastic hike you all went on. I love the view your mom has of your pretty plumes that are your tails.


Anonymous said...

I see nothing has really changed here in my absence. Flying frisbees ✔ ridiculously early snow ✔ beautiful scenery ✔ 2 crazy doodles with springs for legs ✔✔

Carry on.

Two French Bulldogs said...

No wonder you had such a fun weekend! Look at that snow and beautiful hike
Benny & Lily

The Army of Four said...

SNOW!??! That is so awesome! If you need help building a really cool snow fort, just let me know!
Our leaves aren't even turning yet here. Come ON, Winter!!!
Play bows,

Murphy said...

It looks like you ladies are having lots of fun. We hope your mom is feeling good cuz we think you are getting some more snow in just a couple days and she will need to play with you in the snow. The mountains look lovely but of course they look even more lovely when you girls are dancing along the trail!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Dexter said...

I'm pretty sure that there was actual doodle to doodle contact during that walkie. I suppose all the fresh air would dissipate any cooties from the hippobottomus.

When we get our transporter operational, momma and I will be right there for your next adventure walkie.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow all have the best adventures EVER!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

Anonymous said...

Remember how you used to hate me for living in Switzerland? Ya, well, shoes on the other foot sister. I hate you and your stupid beautiful fall colored hike. :-P !!!

Wild Dingo stuck in CA aka: Year 'Roun of Brown.