Apparently we inadvertently offended our, ah,
diminutive friend Tank. We left a comment for our Lilliputian buddy on his Facebook page, because we hadn't heard from him in a while and we were a tad worried that he may have been
turned back into a squirrel (in our experience, those Champion Bad Sports seem to take their titles quite seriously, and we wouldn't put it past Allred the Devil Cat to continue to engage in nefarious activities).
Our offending comment was (in its entirety), "How are you doing, our short little friend?" We used the phrase "short little friend" as a term of endearment, but in hindsight, we can see how some vertically challenged doggies might take offense. We certainly did not mean to insult our brachyskelic friend, nor did we mean to slight any of our
undersized compact friends. So please, Tank, our commodious friend, accept our most humble apology. We have the utmost respect for you and your fellow
dinky elfin-sized doggies; they don't call you 'ankle-biters' for nothing!
Tank, who IS taller than a 12-inch ruler! |
So while you might not have long leggies, or be Relentlessly Huge, we hope that you will understand that we used the term "short little" as a sign of our undying affection.
The Venerable TaiChi was a diminutive gal herself, and yet she was and always will be Queen of the Universe - so please don't think we are biased against you petite doggies. Our deepest apologies - we shan't be short with you again!
Heehee! *ahem*
However, in your response, I believe you said something along the lines of "
your scary
bitey face action and ceaseless snow zoomies have caused me to question
whether either of you are playing with a full deck". I have no idea why you are questioning our mental stability.
Seriously. Look at those last pictures. Abby is a total Cracker. If I
had a bully stick for every time Mom called Abby a "crazy
whack-a-doodle", I would be up to my eyeballs in bully sticks. And for
the hours of canine martial arts? Abby has 10 lbs on me; if I don't keep working on my skills and maintaining my fitness level, I'd be toast. It takes A LOT to get that Cracker down.
It's a good thing she's got a big dog suit, so I can a good grip!
This is the result of tireless practice! |
So I will agree that my sister is SO not playing with a full deck. But me? I'm constantly challenging myself with the task of ensuring
Lard Butt my dear, sweet, nutso sister doesn't get the upper paw.
Smooches to you, our
short little big-hearted, magnanimous friend!
And don't forget who introduced you to sweet potato snacks!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
PeeEss: We really do love you, little buddy! Heehee!