We've gotten snow the last two days (and there is supposed to be more tonight). And while Mom's work severely limits her ability to get bitey-face-in-snow photos, Mom has been doing her best. And we're doing our best to enjoy the white floofy stuff!
Sisterly Love at its finest! |
Abby's got a comb-over and I've got Snow Snooter! |
Oh yeah! New snow! Bring it on!
Mom would prefer that the new snow is brought on over the weekend, so she doesn't have to drive in it, but even though we are snow dogs, we don't have much control over the snow gods! Heehee!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
PeeEss: Khyra - we'll wind up the rubber band on AirFiona so we can bring you out to enjoy the white stuff!
You two look like you are doing a dance. "Dance of the Doodles"
You have got way more snow than us. It is a white out right now but it isn't sticking much.
Maybe by morning it will have an inch or four.
Heck I really don't care, cause I don't get to go out and play in it yet. I hear My Vickie is taking another dog for a walk instead of me.
This is crushing me.....
You two certainly love the snow - great photos !!
Our snow has been and gone. Lulu is back to enjoying chasing squirrels through the daffodils.
Arrooooo! Looks like a blast mates, maybe woo have some snow dog in woooos? Play bows,
We enjoy snow too, but only from a distance where we see it on the mountains.
Ya'll would just croak if you knews how warm it is here! Your snow looks cold.
You knows though, I nevers get tired of seein' ya'll romp in da snow cuz da fotos are so wonderfuls!
Woo have snow and all I have is more rain to sponge!
I hope Air Fiona doesn't get stukhk in the yard -
I'm outside watching fur woo!
Howdy Fiona and Abby you two look so happy in the snow. Its like you are snow dancing! Enjoy your weekend. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Glad you got some snow, being as you enjoy it so much. Glad we didn't, as mama doesn't care for it much at all.
Jed & Abby
Hi Fiona and Abby it's nice to meet you. Thank you so much for the nice birthday comment.
A romp in the snow would be fabulous. We're getting rain and mud.
hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay abby luks like wun of the monkees with her comb over!!! and peepul say they monkee arownd witch yoo sertinly do!!! ha ha ok bye
I don't know why but somehow these pictures – especially the last one – reminds me of that great film "Cool Runnings" – we love that movie! :-) I think it's that little tunnel sort of thing we can see in the snow bank – wouldn't it be funny if you and Abby were whizzing through one of those tunnels one behind each other, on your bums? :-)
Honey the great Dane
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