Sunday, February 12, 2012

Really the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

First, Mango Minster has started!   You have until 5pm EST Monday to go vote on the Too Darn Cute entries (voting is by comments, one vote per household).  The competition is REALLY TOUGH; judging the cuties is totally taxing the mentals!  Voting for the Working Stiff class (where Abby is entered) is on Wednesday through Thursday at 5pm EST, if you want to vote for my hard working sister.  But go check out all the classes - there's nothing like Mango Minster!

The only thing that is better than the start of Mango Minster is the start of Mango Minster with snow!

We've had a weird winter, with not a lot of snow, and this snow was wet and heavy, but snow is snow, and when one has new snow, one MUST bitey one's sister.

There is more to life than just biteying one's sister, however.  There is also Frisbee Fun Time!

Check out Abby's Mad Frisbee Skillz!

Goofy dog!  Heehee!

So yes, we had fun!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


Anonymous said...

I don't like it when you're standing on your hind legs. Makes me feel like I got short changed.

GOOSE said...

Frisbee fun in the snow is one of the best things.

Jan said...

That poor frisbee has had quite a workout.

Berts Blog said...

Whew Abby....That is one great move you got there. My Vickie enlarged it for me so I could see all the detail of your moves. Incredible woman.....

And all that cool snow. All we got today was rain.

Keep playin girls, you give us such a lift.....


The Army of Four said...

We didn't have snow for the first day of MM, but we have some now!
We thought judging the Adventure Animals category was hard until we looked at all the Too Darn Cute pups! What a HARD job - EVERYpup is adorable!
Play bows,

3 doxies said...

It has been a strange winter! Yesterday is was 16 degrees heres and Wednesday it suppose to be in da 60s...WTF?
Hmmmmm, ya'll makes playin' in da snow so easy and effortless. I always gets da biggest chuckle seein' ya'll play in it though.

I is also in da Workin' Stiffs category...are you shocked?


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

NOT MUCH SNOW??? WHAT??? Did that Snow making Machine I sent to you.. run outta Gas???

Two French Bulldogs said...

Your frisbee skills are superb
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

I just love your snow pictures. I sure wish I could play frisbee with you girls!

Love ya lots,

bichonpawz said...

No one has better frisbee skills than you two!!! We are going to head on over there and vote!!! Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!
xo Chloe and Ladybug

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

What incredible skills you have, Kung Fu Abby! You could star in a movie.

Now that Judge Fiona has discharged her difficult judging duties with honor and delicacy, the impounded snow machines have been released and will be shipped to Collie-rado, at Frankie's expense, for Judge Fiona to do with as she wishes.

Jed & Abby, Legal Beagle[mix] Extraordinaire and Official Guardian of Ethics for MM2012

PeeEss: we HATE this new security word system blogger has started using. For older peeps like our mama, these blurred words on top of inkblots are VERY hard to see!f

Unknown said...

My God, in one of the photos, Abby looks like she's catching the frisbee with her paws!!!! :-) Amazing!

Oh - and belated congrats to Abby for 3rd place at MM this year, for Working Stiffs!! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay lazy dada has not let me post in a kuple of weeks krool krool dada!!! ennyway congratchoolayshuns to abby on her finish and hav fun with yore masheens for mayking sno cones or wotever they ar!!! ok bye

Sweet William The Scot said...

Well it sure looks like yur having fun playing in the Albino Brain Jiggers - AKA Snow. Thanks for stopping by my bloggie. I like the suck egg part!!! HeHeHe
Sweet William The Scot