So yesterday it snowed, right? Well, it snowed A TON in the afternoon and evening. It stopped snowing around midnight or so, and it cleared up today, but we woke up to this:
Somedoggie had come up in our yard during the night, and if it weren't for his tracks, we would have been stuck on the porch - it was REALLY deep!
Before Dad could cut a track for us in the backyard, he had to tackle the driveway.
But he finally finished the driveway, and we came out to supervise the work in the backyard.
Dad! Are you done yet? We want to zoomie! |
As soon as Dad was done, we checked out his work.
Eight paws up!
And, of course, as soon as we had our path cut, we started going off piste!
Yup. We're total powder hounds!
And, of course, we had to stop and appreciate the white fluffy bounty that had come our way...
It was a long time coming, but it looks like our snow dance finally paid off!!!
This is more like it!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus