Note from Dr. Liz: I was in another room when I heard Abby bark; she had taken the Frisbee off the table (which is a big no-no, but frankly, it was a bit hard to admonish her at the time because I was laughing too much - I did catch her at it again later and admonished her then...) and put it on my 'outside boots'. Clever girl. Not exactly subtle, but clever!
Right now it is "sleeting" and Mom has already let us out once to play, but she's muttering something about 'wet dogs' and 'not enough dry towels' as an excuse to not let us out again. *sheesh*
So here's a couple of a pictures from yesterday...
Snow puppy. She's not as camouflaged as she thinks she is! Heehee.
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
PeeEss: If you want a holiday card from us, please pee-mail Mom at lizdranowATmodernskiracingDOTcom with your snail mail address. Thanks!!!
Sometimes humans can take hints.
I wonder what woo will do fur your next trikhk!
Training humans is a lot of work Abbey, but it sounds like Mom is finally catching on :) Good girl!
Nothing wrong with wet dogs. You just go inside and rub against the couch and, magically, you are dry.
I don't know why she's so upset. i mean, it's like a painless way to get a bath, right? ;)
I think she is learning to condition you. We're supposed to get our big major snowfall tonight; your pooches always look like they're enjoying it.
Can you see wit the frisbee like that?
LOVE these pics! VERY smart dogs!! Have you tried blow drying them? Actually....a friend just suggested I hook up a new shop vac in reverse and dry them that way...but the air is so cold...they hate it! It takes me a long time to dry the girlz....yours would probably take forever!!
Wet dogs?? What does she mean? We're almost always wet. Water is our middle name and if we can't go outside, we can always splash in the drinking bowl.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties
hello fiona its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think sleet is sum sort of preetend wether i meen reely wot is it??? it isnt rayn!!! it isnt snow!!! i think it is just mayd up!!! ok bye
Hi Y'all!
You are a very clever girl, Abby! Unfortunately my Momma keeps my toys well out of my reach! Sigh!
Hope y'alls Momma lets y'all outside soon!
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Murray's Mom is going mad about 'one wet dog' here as well! She was really in a bad mood yesterday as Murray and Sorcha kept taking me out to play and I was bringing in some much snow and they of course, just take off their boots and walk away from me .... leaving me to drip pools of water on the wooden floors! Murray's Mom is fed up too towel drying me! She took the hair dryer out yesterday and tried that on me .... it was not a happy moment!
take care
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