If you look closely at this picture taken yesterday, you can see our porch and *gasp* mud.
Finally, last night, the temperatures dropped, and we got a few inches of snow. Not gobs of snow, mind you, just a couple of inches. But at least it covers up the mud.
But at least we were able to frolic in some new snow (for a change).
Happy snow times!
BTW, thanks to everyone who wished my goofy puppy sister Happy Birthday! Don't worry, just because she's a year old, there isn't a person who knows her who thinks she's an adult. Or is ever likely to become an adult. Mom seriously thinks that Abby will have 'puppy brain' far beyond the time Abby chronologically becomes a senior citizen. Me? Apparently I'm an "old soul" - whatever that means. Something about how while Abby will be a goofball forever, I've NEVER been as goofy as she has been and will continue to be.
As for the 'lard butt' thing? Mom hasn't actually weighed us in a while, but she will verify from "helping" us into the Jeep (hey... it has a narrow, steep entrance to the back seat...) that Abby is significantly heavier than I am. Which is not surprising. Abby is also bigger than me; she's only an inch or two (at most) taller than I am, but she's longer, and thicker. She's not fat (neither of us has an ounce of fat on us - although I like calling my sister 'Lard Butt' because I can!) but where I have a delicate little poodle build, Abby is built like a
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Remember that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Well, sometimes that works, sometimes its "the bigger they are, the harder it is to make them fall". I have known Sherman Tanks, and she is no Sherman Tank. Now calling her a Hummer might be closer to the truth and it would be more socially acceptable. She won't know if it is a compliment or an insult.
Mogley G. Retriever
We really enjoy your snow...far, far away from us.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Thank you for visiting us and your very kind message on our sad loss of Dorcus.
Our furkids are so special to us all. We have learnt NEVER put off saying or doing what you can with them today, until tomorrow. Cos sometimes tomorrow never comes!
We look forward to getting to know you. We love your snow pictures you are having great fun.
Karen & Alan Dorcus's Mum & Dad
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Okays now I is REALLY jealous! We gets half an in of snow a year and every store closes...hehehe...then da grocery stores is always outta milk and bread!
These action shots are crazy awesome!
Yup, she's a load alright. I kind of like that. Not that you aren't lovely, but now that she is grown up she is looking kind of hot.
Hee! Hee! I know all about the "thicker, chunkier" built! I'm a European style Dane and so I'm much chunkier and bigger boned than many of the daintier Danes I meet. If you think Abby is a Hippobottomus, what does that make me? Brontosaurus?? :-)
Honey the Great Dane-osaurus
Santa is listening to you call your sissy a lard butt, Fiona! shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I don't think I khan better any of the khomments already pawed!
Have fun in the snow!
We could look at your snow photos over and over .... they are wonderful!
Clive is 25kg ... light enough we think for a doodle but he looks a lot bigger at the moment (but that's just because he's due a cut!) Anyway, we think you both look great!
Thank you so much for the wonderful Christmas card - it really is lovely! We have one from us winging its way to you at the moment!
take care
Clive and Murray
ps-we have a lovely photo of your card on our blog post today! Thanks again!
Happy Christmas to all of you
hello fiona its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot wot wot??? that frisbee is stil in wun peese??? i am verry konfoozd by this!!! ok bye
Im sure you mom appreciates the mud being covered up!
That sure looks like fun. I wish I could play in the snow!
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