Friday, November 12, 2010

De inimico non loquaris sed cogites*

There are times that I think I might have been better off if Mom and Dad had gotten me a goldfish rather than my evil, monstrous, terrible dear sweet sister. But what can you do? Other than convince Mom and Dad to adopt something that will terrorize Abby. I know, attempt to keep her in her place. But it's getting tougher. My fat-bottomed sister is getting speedier.

And she's in my face...

Drastic times call for drastic measures...

And she's got crazy eyes.

I don't think a goldfish would be quite so crazy-eyed. I'm just saying...

Anyhoo, other than dealing with my crazy sister (honestly - she will get on the bed and wait for me to come in the room and then try to pounce on me when I want to get up on the bed; a goldfish would not do that...), we've been going on a lot of long walks. The weather is in limbo - it's not really snowing, other than some flurries, but it's cold at night and cool and windy during the days. Unfortunately, it warms up just enough that the backyard gets muddy, so my chances to put Abby in her place are limited. But we're walking a lot.

And Mom and Dad are hoping for snow...

Me? I'm just hoping for some more backyard time so I can remind Abby who's boss.

I'm just saying...

*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby the evil, vicious, non-goldfish Hippobottomus)

*Don't wish ill for your enemy; plan it.

PeeEss: I should amend this to say that I really do love my little sister, I just love her more when she's asleep, or running errands with Mom while I'm home with Dad... Heehee!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

They also say 'be khareful what woo wish fur'

Or something like that!


Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Oh my goodness, the karate chop form is awesome!!!! Good job!

~The Monster Crew

Chewy said...

i feel your pain my brother always wake me up every morning....i wish my brother was a dog though (he is a hooman)


bichonpawz said...

Oh boy! I sure can relate to that .... LadyBug is ALWAYS stomping on me....WALKING right ON me!! Makes me nuts. Maybe I should ask for a goldfish for Christmas? I hear ya!! xoxo Chloe

Dandy Duke said...

Your walkie path is just beautiful!
No bitey on the ears! haha

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

D.K. Wall said...

If you get enough brothers and sisters, then you can always stir up trouble. And think how entertained your humans would be.

Just saying.

P.S. - Our security word is grace.

Kari in Alaska said...

you two need to learn to join forces and milk your parents for what you want


Anonymous said...

Just like human sisters! " Hopping" by to say hello...Fiona, Abby will always be cuter and more fun than any goldfish...

Ivy, the Yellow Lab said...

My sis drives me crazy too. I feel your pain.
Dropping by from the blog hop.

1000 Goldens said...

You're a good girl to share your humans with the hippobotomus Fi. I can only imagine how trying it can be!

Sage said...

Since I'm the little sister here, I think Toby thinks that about me ALL the time. We little sis's TRY to be good.....

The Oceanside Animals said...

Wow, look at that clothesline technique! Very impressive! I'm sure it would have worked if she hadn't dodged to her right just then.

Two Pitties in the City said...

You guys look really tough and fierce! But I guess you have to look that way when you're running away from your sister.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


I feel for what you are going through BUT your sissy is so cute and it could be worse. When your Mom & Dad are busy who would you play with. I don't have a sissy or a brother to play with. Baby Girl is visiting with us this weekend and it been fun having somebody I can push around since I'm bigger than her.


Sierra Rose said...

Oh Fiona! We know you love your sis. Does make for some grrrreat photos and super conversations!
You're having a snow squall today!!?? I might have to speed my goldy legs and head out's too warm here, making melty snows in the mountains :(

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

BRUTUS said...

Believe me, Fi... I TOTALLY understand! What was the name you came up with for that support group - something about tortured older siblings? I definitely think we need to get that up & running!!

Brutus (Carmen is sleeping, thank god!)