First, let me just say that I had Much Grander Ideas for this entry, but Mom interfered. Seriously so, in fact. See, Mom and Dad have Yet Another Car race in Pocatato (
Pocatello? I dunno, it's in Idaho, so Pocatato sounds better to me), and earlier this week they had the House With Wheels in to a big "we fix semi-trucks" place for a re-alignment
(Do motorhomes have chakras? And how do you get something that big to do yoga? Many mysteries here...) and new front tires. And THEN Dad had to go pick up the trailer with the car in it and get it "staged"
(first yoga, now acting - is there nothing this HWW cannot do?) So today Mom had to drive around like a crazy woman to do all sorts of errands to get the House With Wheels ready for this trip. Which translated into "No Hike" for me and Abby. And since the roofers are Still Not Done
(silly people didn't want to work in the middle of a thunderstorm yesterday; go figure!) we would have been stuck in the house (without wheels) with Dad and the roofers going crazy.
Mom decided that she would feel guilty for leaving us alone with Dad all day, so went went to "doggie day care". Seriously. Day care. BUT... More on that later (because, apparently, we'll be going back at some point). The point of all of this is that Mom was so busy getting ready for Pocatato that she hasn't had the time to fully devote her time to my "I Wanna Be Like Mango" entry. So... Here is a half-baked entry.
Hey... Maybe having an assistant who doesn't come through all the time makes me Even More like Mango... Cool! *ahem*Well, for starters, duh. I mean, who
wouldn't want to be like Mango? He's got his own estate, his own vehicle, a specially built (and no doubt heavily reinforced) observation deck, and car cookies. This guy lives like a rockstar!
I think the rules say something about how we are supposed to tap into our inner-Mango-ness and display for the whole world to see. As much as I want to be like Mango, I'm not sure how much Mango-ness I really have. But since he's donating money to doggie medical research for each entry submitted, I have to put
something together, so here goes.
First. Wow. Talk about big
shoes paws to fill. I mean, it would take something like four of me to make one Mango. Maybe.

And I’m not sure how comfortable the House With Wheels would be with four of me. And Abby. It would certainly be cozy. And Mom and Dad would have to sleep on the front steps.

As we all know, Mango is a deep, multi-faceted kind of guy, and while there is No Way that I could possibly be anything more than a pale imitation of the Big Guy Himself, I like to flatter myself in thinking that we share some traits.
Other than the slobbering. Mom is a bit squeamish when it comes to serious slobbering, so I think we're all happy that I don't share Mango's ability to produce a wee bit of slobber...Moving on...
Fr’instance. I am Most Patriotic (even if I don’t get nifty hats like Mango does).

And I am deeply contemplative at times.
Can't you see the Deep Thoughts being thunk there?I don't jump over agility thingys (
blame Mom for that), but I am still Quite Athletic. In fact, I even
won an award in Mango-minster 2010 for being
all sporty-like!

And I am continuing my Doggie Studies
But somehow Mom has managed to not get any recent pictures of me in school. So here’s a picture of Abby. Just pretend that blonde lunker is really my petite red-headed-and-much-better-behaved self, okay?
I like going for rides in the House With Wheels (
which Mom has agreed to re-name the Fiona-mobile for the purposes of this post).

And I like riding in the Box With Wheels, too (
which will be referred to as the Lesser Fiona-mobile for the duration of this post).

But I think more than anything, I have a most excellent relationship with my younger sibling, just like Mango has with PeeWee.

Sometimes we aren't bitey-ing each other; like times when foodables are involved...
And most importantly of all, like Mango, I am Most Magnificent Looking!

See, just like Mango:

Except for the jowls... ;-)
Truthfully, in looking back over this post, I'm not sure how much like Mango I really am; I mean it is sort of hard to put aside the weight differences, the gender differences, and the slobbering differences. However, if I recall, the contest is titled "I Wanna Be Like Mango". And I SO want to be like Mango; he's got The Life. Well, except for his Dog Cave being turned into a Barbie Dream House.
I could pass on that part. But ignoring that, I wanna a rockstar like Mango!!!
And with that, I am off to take a nap; we have a big adventure ahead of us tomorrow, and I must prepare myself.*kissey face*
-Fiona (the Mango-wanna-be) and Abby the Hippobottomus