Friday, October 24, 2008

Pluth. No idea what the damage will amount to, (insurance will cover that, other than the $1000 deductible.... Damn deductibles are starting to add up....), but it will be at least $10K to do the basic fix to the sewer pipe. If we want to fix all that needs to be fixed because of builder incompetence? Could be anywhere from $50K to $100K. And this is not exactly the market to make 'improvements' like this. I'm guessing we'll just do the $10K fix and wait for a few years and see if the market returns.


To quote, "I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue."


The only plus? Ben (the standard poodle) is holding his own; his kidneys are holding steady, but we can't do anything to treat his cancer without blowing up his kidneys. So, the cancer will kill him, but he seems to holding steady for now. And he's comfortable, thanks to modern medicine. So that's a good thing.

Oh, and another good thing? The old lady (the 17 year old miniature poodle) WANTS to play with the puppy. The pup outweighs her about 2 to 1, and while the old lady hasn't wanted to play, she's been showing signs for the last couple of days, and today, when the three of us went to the basketball court to 'play tennis' (i.e. chase tennis balls), the old lady actually went bounding after a few. And then immediately got tackled by the pup. A few times, after which she just came bounding to me when the pup went after the ball. But it is really encouraging to see the old lady WANTING to play. It's been a very long time for her to be this healthy.

Yep, just call us Chaos Manor....

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