And by 'some', I mean about 16 inches when it was all said and done.
The youngsters, as expected, behaved like crazy nutters in the snow (although I was a little worried about Lucy getting lost out there...)
I mean, her leggies are getting longer, but there was A LOT of snow out there!
The two crazies took it upon themselves, of course, to play tug-of-war and lose several frisbees in the snow...
"Hi! I'll try not to lose this one for at least another 20 seconds!" |
Where was I during all of this? Avoiding the crazies and trying not to get snowballs between my toes!
Dad wasn't exactly loving the snow....
Because of the snow, a crazy dog lady that Mom knows through the interwebs was stuck in Salt Lake City as she was driving east with her crazy dogs, and so this afternoon Mom took the youngsters down to the park at the bottom of the neighborhood to meet the crazy dog lady (who is, apparently, nice and not too crazy!). Mom did get to meet an interwebs celebrity, Big Carl. As you can tell from the photo, Big Carl isn't physically big, but like my Great Uncle Billy, Big Carl is big in spirit. In fact, I think he was a little disappointed that Mom hadn't brought a moose for him to harass. (Big Carl and his family used to live in Alaska, and he was used to taking on mooses!)
I didn't really want to deal with more crazy dogs, so I stayed home and kept Dad company while Mom and the youngsters met with Big Carl, Arlo (the brindled doggie) and Mesa, who is not a young pup, but loves her frisbees. I think if it had been a little warmed, I would have really liked Mesa!
Arlo! You wouldn't know that this boy almost lost one of his leggies in an unfortunate encounter with a car. |
Mesa, at 11.5 years young, enjoying a borrowed frisbee! |
Big Carl, staring with disdain at everything! |
Snow zoomies! |
Frisbee tug-of-war (yes, I've seen this movie before!) |
Lucy wasn't quite sure what to make of Arlo! |
Daisy wisely chose not to try to take the frisbee back from Mesa - us older gals don't like people messing with our frisbees! |
The youngsters were fascinated with Big Carl, who was wildly unimpressed with them! |
Daisy couldn't quite figure out how to play with Arlo, but she loved the chase! |
Lucy, cute and clueless! |
We are all happy to have snow, and Mom and the youngsters thought it was quite fun to meet some doggies who have only existed on the computer until now! Heehee!
Have a great week!
*kissey face*
-Saint Fiona the Patient, Crazy Daisy, and Lucy-Fur