Thursday, August 24, 2017

Puppy Crazies

Every evening Lucy gets some time outside by herself - partially so she gets a break from Daisy, and partially so she can get some uninterrupted zoomie time.  Lucy makes great use of this time.

My moose friends* didn't take the Hol-ee roller when they left, so Lucy could still play with the ball.

She also has frisbee funballs times!

Lucy is also learning the fine art of posing... Or staying still long enough for Mom to get a photo...

*For those of you who didn't see my moose friends, here they are.  I invited them over for a tea party, but then it started to rain and I don't really like being out in the rain.  Momma moose was a tad miffed with me, but baby moose liked Lucy's Hol-ee Roller ball!

Baby seemed to really like the Hol-ee Roller!

I really must reschedule the tea party!
More later!

*kissey face*
-Saint Fiona the Patient, Crazy Daisy, and Lucy-Fur.


Dandy Duke said...

You entertain yourself so well, Lucy! Thank goodness the baby moose didn't snitch your fun red ball!

The Army of Four said...

And here I thought having a turtle in the driveway was exciting!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher