I would like to make it Very Clear that Abby and I got a lot of frisbee action this week. But for reasons that are still not clear to me (
it apparently has something to do with Mom 'experimenting' with different settings on her camera, resulting in 'less than satisfactory' action photos) there are less actions photos this week than usual. (
Keep in mind that 'less' is relative!) But we are actively preparing for the Frisbee Freestyle events in the upcoming Winter Olympics.
There was some use of the Doodle Trebuchet |
And some standard frisbee catches - a compulsory exercise in the Olympics. |
More simple drills for the upcoming Olympics. |
A nice catch in the pike position - one of the 'compulsory' frisbee catch moves required in Olympic competition. |
Me working on the 'dive into a snowbank' part of the compulsory exercises. |
Abby also working on the 'dive into a snowbank' exercise. |
A solid vertical catch. |
Good extension, a clean catch! |
Another catch with nice vertical! |
Yep, I think we're in good shape for the Olympics! |
In addition to the frisbee photos, Mom is obsessed with getting photos with us running with frisbees. She has yet to be 'completely satisfied' with them (
which is okay - she throws frisbees, we come running back - nothing wrong there!), but she's determined to get some shots of us running. So there are a lot of photos of us running, in varying degrees of quality.
Mom calls this 'unfettered joy' - I couldn't agree more! |
Zoom-zoom! |
Watch out! Coming through! |
"Hi Mom! I have this frisbee for you!" |
"And another one!" |
"Mom, I think you still need to work on your color-adjustment skills..." |
"Hi Mom! I think I'm a little orange here - but I'm in motion!" |
"Hi Mom! Another frisbee! Maybe that's because I'm half retriever! Heehee." |
The sports photo guides say "get two eyes and the ball" - how about two eyes and the frisbee? |
"I mentioned that I'm half retriever, right?" |
"Can't stop mom!" |
Still got that retriever thing working! |
I even retrieve in new snow. Sometimes... |
Hi Mom! |
Okay, so maybe there are more frisbee photos than I originally thought. I guess Mom has been spending a lot of time sorting through photos...
Now on to the portrait gallery.
Mom says we look 'focused' here. Of course we are - she's got treats in her hand. |
My shifty-eyed sister with a big schnozz. |
You wanted a picture of me look right at you. Well here I am. Complete with snow on my snooter! |
Speaking of snooters! Holy Hipposnooterus, Batman! |
Mom just likes this photo - probably because it makes Abby's schnozz look medium-sized. Heehee! |
Abby's got her head in the clouds (again)! |
Hey Abby, your head is blocking out the sky! |
Wow! A rare photo where Abby is making eye-contact! Mom should frame this! |
I do NOT have a big schnozz - Mom just likes to play around with perspective. I hate to think what will happen if she gets a fish-eye lens! |
Yep, I'm pretty! |
Finally, since we finally got some snow, Mom decided to try her hand at some 'artsy photos.'
Snowy pine. |
Aspens in winter. |
More snowy pines. |
Clearly our Mom has gone photo-crazy. This is what we have to say about that:
Pfffth. |
And double-pfffth. |
But we still love you Mom!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Your mom is getting to be a pro with her new camera, girls! The close-up shots just melt us ♥
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
A Photographer is only as good as the SUBJECTS... and your mom has some FABULOUS subjects fur her photos. SO that means that all of her successful photos... are Totally DUE to The TWO of YOU. RIGHT??? Of Course it is. Peeps couldn't do ANYTHINGY without US.
We are glad that you are getting all the compulsory thingys practiced so you will be TOTALLY ready fur the Olympics. BRAVO
I think the snowy snooter shot HAS to be my favorite! The action shots are excellent!
Play bows,
You guys are cute! We are sure you will be winners at the winter Olympics.
Monty and Harlow
Clearly your mom is aptly capturing the beauty you ladies possess! And the character shots are splendid! We showed these to our mom and she said she hopes you mom has a digital photo frame to put these pictures on so everyone can enjoy them. Mom says she really likes seeing our photos on ours even when we are on her lap!
Your Birfday Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Pee Ess - We still have some cake if you want some!
Good grief. Look at all those great photos of doodles doodling. Hey, if you really plan to go to the Olympics, can I tag along? I've been forced to learn how to ice skate due to an unfortunate weather event here a few days ago. It's been a struggle, but I'm definitely getting the hang of it. I'm sure I can learn a few fancy jumps in the next couple of days to round out my routines. I'm destined for greatness you know... oh, and I'll need to borrow your photographer while we're there because mine has developed a really bad attitude. USA USA USA!
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Olympics. The close up pictures rock!
I see Gold in your future ladies!! As in medals...AND the Newton coming to your house to play. I need these types of entertainments so I will be more tired at bed time.
Oh Miss Fiona, surely that picture of your snooter has been post processed. Your snooter can not be as large as Abby's.
Now that the compulsory exercises are well in hand, perhaps next time you will show us some freestyle moves.
I am wondering if any of those running shots resulted in mom getting knocked onto her bottom by the charging doodles.
We are all giggling here thinking of Tank ice-skating BOL.....
We think you and Abby would be gold medals for sure Fiona!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
Practice makes perfect, right? Can't wait to see you two at the top of the podium. I also love the snow on snooter photo but you also have snow on the beard!
OK...maybe your mom doesn't think she is doing so well...we think she is AWESOME at the whole photo thing!! These portrait pics of you two are amazing!! Love the shifty eyes and the big snooter!! BOL!!
Gorgeous girls! Love the photos!
First of all, I give you both all top scores for your Olympic event, you are sure to win. Who could beat you??? Mommy went crazy for the close up pictures of you both especially the last two!!
Loveys Sasha
Great photos! You are pretty darn active, even in the snow! How do you do it?
hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay if yoo ask me they can skip the kompetishun and just giv yoo yore gold medals now!!! ok bye
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