Another week, which brought some more snow, some rain, a bunch of frisbee action, and, of course, Mom snapping copious photos.
While our weather hasn't been optimal (rain in February is Not Good), the warm, wet weather has actually given us snowball snow. Usually our snow is quite dry and powdery (giving us the Greatest Snow on Earth), but lately our snow has been quite wet. Not so good for powder skiing, but great for snowballs! And playing 'fetch' with snowballs is Way Fun!
Unless your sister snooter-bombs the photo and tries to steal YOUR frisbee! |
But I got plenty more snowballs! |
"Snowball, you are no match for my Jaws of Doom!" |
"Abs, THIS is how you catch snowballs." |
"Yeah, um, something like that!" |
I've got it in my sights! |
And I've got it in my mouth! |
Snowballs totally rock!
Of course, frisbee action is always good, too!
Zoom-zoom! |
I got it!! |
A basic frisbee catch - part of the compulsory maneuvers required in the Olympic event. |
Nice Angle of Retrieval - that will get her high marks in the open portion of the frisbee competetion! |
Abby has also been working on her Doodle Lake maneuvers - all ready for the open portion of the Olympics Snow Frisbee event (
we think we participate tomorrow - it's hard to tell, as we seem to be the only registered competitors...)!
Doodle Lake is sure to wow the Russian judges! |
Not only can we catch the frisbee, but we can usually retrieve it, too!
I've got it Mom - get ready to throw it again! |
I've got mine for you, too, Mom! |
Pay no attention to the frisbee behind me. I want THIS one! |
In addition to all the frisbee action, Mom felt the need (as usual) to get some 'portraits'. Once the appropriate number of treats had been offered in tribute, we complied.
February is Heart Health Month, so I agreed to 'Go Red' to raise awareness for women's heart health!
For some reason, Mom is enamored with snooter shots. Luckily, Abby is always willing to show off her ginormous snooter!
Holy Hippo-snooterus, Batman! |
Thanks for making my snooter look, ginormous, too, Mom! |
Yes, let's return to the original ginormous snooter. (Wow. That schnozz is HUGE!) |
Since Abby's ginormous schnozz can be a bit scary, I'll give you a few more portraits that aren't quite so terrifying.
Yes, I AM pretty! Thank you! |
Thanks for the treats, Mom! |
And finally, Mom tried to get some 'artsy' shots.
She really likes "the ephemeral nature" of paw prints. (
So why does she complain so much about our muddy paw prints in spring? Apparently they aren't so "ephemeral". Actually, Mom has been commenting about how archaeologists will find muddy paw prints in our kitchen in 10,000 years. Gee, Mom, maybe you should break out a mop, if you are worried about archaeological finds...)
Here one moment, gone the next! |
Definitely "ephemeral"! |
And a 'nature' shot, for those of you who like non-dog things.
Aspens in a blue-bird day. |
Oh, and with the warm weather, wet snow, and generally weird weather, the snow on the back roof was piling up and freezing and thawing, so Mom was really glad when it slid (when we were all safely inside)!
Note the big slabs of ice - which is why Mom really wanted it to slide while we were far, far away! |
Have a great week!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
What great snowball shots! We love eating snow!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
I was trying to get Harlow's paw prints on Saturday in the dirt - she is so light she doesn't seem to leave any. BOL - I guess my princess floats on air!
Monty and Harlow
Back in NOVEMBER when we started getting all this snow... ERNIE thought that chasing snowballs was FUN... NOW he won't even LOOK at them.
We are SOOOOOOOO glad that the snow and ice fell while you were INSIDE and safe... That COULD have been very much dangerous.
PeeS... we hope it all melts SLOWLY so you don't end up with a Flood and all the FANS again this year.
Mom takes the best action shots
We just love all of your snowball AND snooter pics!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
It would appear to me that your snow is of the proper texture for your mom and dad to make a snowmanperson. My momma seems to think it is an important ritual.
Was the photo of Fiona allegedly sporting a large snooter possibly retouched? I am certain that she has a small and ladylike schnoz.
As usual your mom got lots of great shots. All of our snow melted! I am going to have to get mom to get my UFO back out so I will blow up Abby's fancy shots and see if I can copy her moves. We got another haircut last week. Can you believe it - 2 of them already? Mom said it was MUCH easier cuz there wasn't near as much hair to cut. Me and Stanley aren't mad at your mom anymore for telling our mom.
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Snooter shots rule!! And snowballs. Snowball fetch is always a good time :)
GREAT photos! You can't go wrong with snooter shots, can you?
Play bows,
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