Sunday, February 9, 2014

New Snow and Olympic Frisbee Action!

Of course, when there is now snow, there MUST be frisbee action; it's one of the unwritten rules of the universe.  We have actually had a pretty dry winter, which has made for easy commutes for Mom, but it's not so good for our snow frisbee action (or our summer water supply).  So we were thrilled to see snow forecasted for the entire weekend!  For once the weather guessers were right and we got a bunch of snow!

Let the games begin!

Did I mention that we were thrilled about the new snow?

Seriously thrilled, as EVERYTHING is better in new snow!
Mom was all excited, too, because she has actually been reading the manual on her camera, and was trying out a new action setting.  She's not entirely certain if it is a better setting for frisbee action, since it was snowing all weekend, but she was pleased with the results.  And since she seems to be the only press interested in the Olympic Snow Frisbee event, we're glad she's getting some good shots.

Part of the snow frisbee competition includes scores for artistic interpretation.

Note my upright body position while catching the frisbee.  High marks on this catch for sure!

Abby assures me that this is for the snow frisbee competition and NOT part of her figure skating routine.  I think it would work for both!

Abby sticking the landing!  (Even if she didn't catch the frisbee...)

Nice amplitude!

Pairs frisbee action!

Nice form, complete with a catch!

Abby is not the only one with good form!  And I always catch the frisbee!

Abby's Dogzilla pose is always a crowd favorite!
We also always make sure we've got good snow zoomie action; it impresses the judges!

Finding the frisbee in deep snow is another handy skill!

"Hi Mom!"


I got it!

"Coming through!"
We're definitely ready for the medal competition!

Abby has also been working on the Olympic exhibition sport of frisbee tug-o-war.

With such fine technique, I have no doubt frisbee tug-o-war will be a medal event at the next Olympics!
While we were having fun in the snow, Dad was having a bit less fun...

But thanks to Dad our competition area was kept in tip-top condition!

In addition to getting all the action photos, our press corps made sure she had some 'athlete portraits' ready to be released to the international press.  We, of course, happily obliged.

Abby, with the tools of our trade!

Abby's 'game face'!

Ready for action!

Abby's 'serious' look.  (Note, she doesn't really DO serious...)

Her 'pin-up girl' pose!

Snooter kisses please!

Contemplative preparation for competition.

My 'wild hair' look!  Snow frisbee IS a 'freestyle' event after all!
And a few 'technicolor' photos for our fans!  (Mom is still playing around with 'Lightroom', which is why the photos are so colorful!)

See you all at the Snow Frisbee medals ceremony!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


GOOSE said...

This is way better than watching that other Olympics... way better.

Taffy said...

Oh, I can't wait for the medal ceremony! I love to watch the frisbee comps but not much of a player. i'm glad you got snow....we already had over a foot in our front yard and it snowed a couple more inches today :o(

rottrover said...

With you two around in winter we don't even know WHY the humans bother with the Olympics. You two are so much more spectacular!!

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Dexter said...

You can't have Winter Olympics without snow, so it's a good thing that a few inches fell in time for you to get your practice in. Abby's form is improving. As you know, the doodle launcher is only part of it, but assembling four legs artfully in flight and sticking the landing is what will get you the coveted perfect 10.


Cowspotdog said...

you two are high flyers and would win the gold in this event paws down ! those are totally pawsome photos

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You girrrrls are PODIUM BOUND fur SURE... Show us the GOLD.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom is always practicing with her camera settings too. Your mom does just fine

The Army of Four said...

Ooooh, we LOVE the technicolor ones!!!!!!!!
We give you 15.87 ratings EACH on EACH of your leaps - so you have 87 billion points! WINNERS!!!

Dandy Duke said...

You girls sure can get yourselves into some crazy positions!
It looks like your dad is shooting snow right over the top of his head!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

How can the judges give you anything less than a 10?? Our snow melted. We have LOTS in the mountains but the back yard has NONE and the front yard has very little.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What grace, what form...2 gold medal winners for sure!!

We also think your Daddy should get a gold medal in the snow blowing competition!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

Anonymous said...

Love the last two and Abby's game face photos! You two really catch some air with that thing, now all you need is to do corkscrew twist and you'll be scoring in the 90's!
~lickies, Ludo

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow luk at the snow fly owt of that snow masheen!!! i bet yore dada cud yooze that to mayk his verry own ski slope if he wanted to!!! thats sum grayt winter frisbee akshun too i ekspect to see it in the olimpiks in fore yeerz!!! ok bye