Sunday, April 7, 2013

Our Week In Frisbees

Mom had big-time sickies this weekend (she's better now, but we were *thisclose* to taking her to the vet - we don't trust those human doctors...), so no doggie class for us, and no other big excitements.  Thus, we give you our week in frisbees.  You'll notice we started off the week with snow, and ended with mud.

Check out my Jaws of Frisbee Doom!

Lookit our snow!

Welcome to Mud Season!

"Hey Abby!  It's right above you!"

Perfect technique!
Have a good week!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


D.K. Wall said...

We are very familiar with mud. Very. Up close. Lots of it. Why is the hu-dad grimacing?

Lorenza said...

I hope your mom is feeling better now!
Aaaaand of course.... you have the best technique with the frisbee!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

We'll take the snow part but our mom says no thank you to the mud. Great action shots, girls! We're happy to hear that your mom is feeling better!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

I need to try one of those frisbees like yours. Maybe it will be more fun. Of course perhaps it requires a sibling for the full effect.

You know, last night I was telling momma she needed to check in with your momma to make she sure was OK, but did she? No.

Hope your momma is on the mend.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy mom feels better. We think we would prefer snow. Mud = bath
Benny & Lily

How Sam Sees It said...

Your girls are talented! We do hope Mom is feeling better.


The Army of Four said...

Hi girls! I wanted to thank you for the warm welcome!
I'm not sure if I've played Frisbee before! My mom and I will have to try that - it looks fun. Especially with the SNOW!!!