Hiya! Mom's been slacking on the blogging (writing and reading) as of late, because, well, she has decided that her job as Doggie Chauffeur/Care-taker doesn't offer a good health plan, and so she's got some job thingy that will give both Mom and Dad health insurance that will be almost as good as what Abby and I currently have. Yep. You heard it right; Mom's got a job. She's doing something super-nerdy at the University. Or she will be doing something super-nerdy once they actually get her a computer; apparently Mom can't perform complex statistical calculations by hand.
Even when she takes off her shoes and socks! Heehee!
Which means we will be spending lots of quality time with Dad, while Mom gets up at the wee hours of the day so she can hurry home in the afternoon to spend quality time with us before the sun sets. That's okay. Dad has proven himself to be quite the competent solo dog walker, and Mom's stocking up on
bribes, erm, bully sticks, so Abby and I are quite happy about the arrangement!
Oh, and for those of you who were asking, here's Mom's new car. (Apparently the Jeep doesn't get the best gas mileage in the world, so Mom got this little AWD car for commuting - good gas mileage, and it was really inexpensive, so it almost pays for itself. And it's BLUE!)
Abby and I went for our first ride on Sunday, and gave it two nose-prints of approval! When Mom got it, she swapped out the regular tires for snow tires (
you know, since now that it has started snowing, it won't stop until May!). Which was a Very Good Plan, because it snowed the morning she picked it up.
Abby and I went out early in the morning and discovered one of our neighbors had come to pay a social visit!
Since he didn't seem interested in playing, Abby chased him off the property (and earned herself a private 'recall' lesson, since she was more interested in chasing him down the driveway than heeding Mom's calls...).
Once our yard was ours again, we engaged in some serious bitey-face action. Because,
say it with me, bitey-face is ALWAYS better in new snow!
Good times!
After much bitey-ing, Mom felt the need to get snooter pictures. See,
Mango's been giving our buddy Bert a hard time about his big snooter (
frankly, we think Bert is Most Handsome, and has a perfectly proportioned snooter - see?)
So we wanted to show Bert out support with our own snooter pictures...
Yes, we think Abby's nose is fake! |
Me? I look regal even with a snowy snooter! |
Heehee. Anyhoo, we got more snow this afternoon, and Mom's computer won't be ready until NOON tomorrow (Seriously!), so we fully expect Mom to get more snow photos. No idea when she might get around to posting them, but she'll post them sometime...
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus