Mom says that Memorial Day Weekend is the 'unofficial start to summer'.
Ya know, as well as being a time to recognize the 'some who gave all'. And we haven't forgotten that part. We'd be flying our flag all weekend, except by law, civilians such as ourselves aren't supposed to fly a flag in inclement weather, unless it's an all-weather flag.... Although, Dad just said our flag IS an all-weather flag, so I'm going to make Mom dash out in the snow to fly our flag.Yes, snow.
Yesterday afternoon, Abby and I were frolicking in the first decent weather we've had in months...

Mom was even thinking she might start to do some yardwork. And then, last night, after dinner it started snowing. Mom had seen the snow in the forecast, but didn't really believe it. She figured there'd be a few flakes, and then it would turn back to rain.
Instead, last night was like we were living in a snow globe!
And then, Mom figured when we woke up this morning the snow would all be melted.
Not so much.

It has been snowing all morning, although the radar looks like the storm might move through in the next hour or two. But it's supposed to snow again tonight and part of tomorrow.
While Mom and Dad are bemoaning the 33 degree temps and the inclemency of the weather, Abby and I are doing our best to take advantage of the situation. Because bitey-face in new snow is ALWAYS good. Even if it is almost June. And the unofficial start of summer....

Looks like summer to me! Heehee.

So while Mom is whining about the snow, Abby and I are loving every minute of it. I mean, it's not like it's going to snow forever, ya know.... It's only late May...
Happy Memorial Day weekend! Don't forget to fly your all-weather flag in honor of all of our veterans and current service men and women!
This was taken yesterday before the snow started falling....*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus, reporting from
the North Pole, erm, Utah