Well, it looks like we are doomed to posting once a week for a while - something to do with Mom leaving at o'-dark-thirty, and it being sort of dusk-y when she gets home, making for non-optimal photo time.
Mom has been saying something about how she has never been so excited for the Solstice in her life as she is this year - even if it is only a few minutes a day, she wants to know the days are getting longer. But, Mom has assured me that she is going to try to post once a week.
Which is a good thing, as well have All Sorts of Exciting Things going on.
First, Abby took Mom to Petco for a refresher class on how to feed turkey-hotdogs as Mom has been slacking in the turkey-hotdog department for a while.
Abby, being Abby, had to go suck-up to Jessi, first thing, and then go make friends with the two little Westies who were finishing up their class...
After the little dogs left, Abby got her private lesson (of which there are no pictures, because Jessi was really focusing on Mom's turkey-hotdog-delivery technique). At the end of the private lesson, Mom's technique wasn't totally perfected yet, so Jessi invited Mom to continue to practice in the next class of the day, whose only member was Mogli, a 9 month old Newfoundland.
Abby greeted Mogli modestly, as usual.
Okay, so Abby really doesn't DO modesty.... |
And then they got back down to the serious business of Mom feeding turkey-hotdogs in such an enticing manner that Abby would run through Petco looking for Mom and her turkey-hotdogs. First Mom practiced by just standing at the end of an aisle and offering her turkey-hotdogs. Then Mom was hiding behind things, and Abby proved too be too clever. So Mom thought she'd be Super Clever....
Let's just say Abby had the last laugh!
However, we think Mom is now crate-trained! Heehee!
Mom got her revenge, however.... You know how I mentioned that this last Monday was Abby's birthday, but we were holding off on the celebrating until this weekend? Well, after the Crate Incident yesterday (
Mom says she got in there voluntarily, but I think Abby lured her in with some turkey hotdogs!), Mom decided to do the birthday thing today. Which meant that Abby had to wear The Birthday Hat!
Abby is looking rather pleased with herself because Mom is hold bits of ham just off camera. But I almost feel sorry for the poor girl - I mean with a birthday in December she's subjected to the elf hat, and the antlers AND the birthday hat all in the same month! I least with my birthday in July, I get to spread out the, ah, glad tidings!
Mom made cake (well, mini-cakes) for both of us. Although keeping true to the 'second-child-is-an-afterthought' maxim, Mom didn't actually have a birthday candle for Abby, and had to, ah, improvise! (And get the card off the candle before it caught fire!) But the cake was quite tasty!
And Granny and Grandpa had sent us some Most Excellent sweet potato snacks which we checked out - 4 paws up! Thanks from both of us (because Abby will share, I promise!)!
After the birthday celebrations, Abby and I ran off our cake with a little bitey face.
And a little frisbee time.
And, a little Sitting In The Snow Looking Regal.
She's a Hippobottomus, what can I say? Besides, she did get Mom to crawl in that crate, so that's totally deserving of a little lazing about!
And finally, a gratuitous picture of me, because the ratio of Fi:Abby photos is way out of balance! Heehee!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus