Thursday, April 1, 2010

Abby's First Hair Cut

Heehee! Abby got her first haircut over the course of yesterday and today. It took two days because her little puppy brain couldn't handle the excitement of having her entire body washed and trimmed at once, and when they got to her face, her brain exploded. Or something. So they called Mom to take her away and bring her back again today. Hah! She is Such. A. Spaz!

Anyhoo, here's her picture from yesterday, before they cleaned up her face.

And now?

Hahahahah!!!! Look at that snooter!!!

Here's a side-view, so you can get the full impact of her haircut.


Um, Fi, my dear? She looks an awful lot like a little you.

Me? Nope. No way, Mom. There is No. Way that Abby looks like me.

Yes, you do.

Oh crap. You're right, Mom. I've got a mini-me! Good thing she's cute.

And maybe she does kinda look like me.

Yes, she does, dear. She looks like your, erm, how can I say this? She looks like your sister!

Good grief. She does. All I can say is that it's a good thing I'm so good looking! Teehee!

Hmmm. Sisters from the same mother?

Oh wow. This is just Too Weird. I've got a sister. That looks like me. Wow.

She even is starting to do snow zoomies like me....

Seriously. This is just too weird.

Now, speaking of haircuts, I know that I mentioned that TaiChi is pretty much bald after her haircut. Well, lemme tell ya'. This girl has the life! Because she doesn't have much (read: any) hair, she gets to wear a sweater all the time, and (and this is the best part!) Mom set up the heating pad on the bed and covered it with a towel, and turned it on low, so TaiChi has a nice warm spot to get all snuggie in. Being 5,000 years old clearly has its benefits.

A happy, snoozling TaiChi!

On a final note, here's a picture from the "It Should Be in National Geographic" files.... (My little sister is becoming not so little...)

*kissey face*


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo have snow much fun!

I wonder how eager Abby will be fur her NEXT khut?


bichonpawz said...

Maybe she'll get more used to it as she gets older?? Of course, if she is like you.....she will be a princess!! Yes??

How much do you guys weigh anyway??
XOXO from Chloe and LadyBug

Lorenza said...

Hi, Fiona!
Wow! Abby looks soooo different!
Glad to see TaiChi!
Kisses and hugs

Wonky Girl said...

Oh I love clipped faces, she has such soulfull brown eyes! And the little shaved feet look like she's wearing bobby sox.

Dexter said...

That haircut does make her look a bit more grown up, but I know she is still an insane cracker dog puppy.

Thanks for the TaiChi update. She just wants to be warm and peaceful. That's OK. You can manage the pesky pup I have no doubt.


central bark designs said...

Looks like you're still having fun in the snow! Lucky you. The haircuts look great.

D.K. Wall said...

You said it by the end - your little sister is growing fast!

Unknown said...

Truly great action shot. Sweet TaiChi got a lovely spot to spend her next 5000 years :) So, Fiona, you're starting to appreciate Abby, huh? About time!

Dandy Duke said...

TaiChi looks so nice and warm while you and Abby race around outside in the snow, Fiona!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Clive said...

Opps! We won't tell you what the NSLM said!!

Love all the snow action shots!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

Michele McLaughlin said...

Abby looks so much older with her hair cut, kinda miss that cute widdle puppy face...Love seeing her do snow zoomies :D
Hugs and Happy EAster, Fi and family!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Wow Abby you look quite spiffy with that new haircut. We hope you get used to it...its not always that bad.

Tai Chi you look like you are in heaven all wrapped up in the sweater.

Abby you are getting quite big...You might just be bigger than Fiona one day!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Abby said...

Hi, Fiona...

Yup...She looks just like you...

First haircuts can be scary...But she will get used to it soon...

Do you still have snow??

Abby xxxooo

Kari in Alaska said...

I have to say I really liked her fluffy face :)

BRUTUS said...

Looks like double trouble to me!! Gee, Abby even let them trim her feetsies? Wow - that would certainly make my brain 'splode! Happy Easter everyone!!

Hoppin' Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie

The Oceanside Animals said...

Shave and a haircut, two bits!