Okay, just kidding! Another post filled with photos of the crazy puppy in the house.
But, lest you think that I have fallen off the map, let me assure you that I am quite happy being at the end of 'train' when we are hiking (
someone has to guard the rear, and I can keep an eye on Lucy-fur AND Daisy!), and relaxing on the couch when the youngsters are biteying each other!
However, I did convince Mom that as part of Lucy's "socialization" we should all take a trip to the Magic Cheeseburger Window. Needless to say, Mom saw the wisdom in my suggestion.
There was a long line at the Magic Cheeseburger Window, so I was able to sniff to my heart's content!
Mom was driving, so she could only get a bad cell phone picture of me with my head out the window enjoying all the smells! |
Lucy caught on to the whole sniffing thing pretty quickly! |
Anyway, the Magic Cheeseburger Window trip was a great success - and another adventure for Lucy! (And cheeseburgers for me!)
Lucy has also been doing other socialization 'exercises'. This week Dad took her down to Mom's work so that the people at Mom's work could ooh and ahh over how cute the wee beast is. Lucy handled the experience with aplomb and conked out when she got home!
Apparently this is the most exciting thing to happen at Mom's office in, like, ever.... |
But before we stay on the All Lucy Photo train, let me just show you a couple of photos to prove that Daisy and I are still alive...
When Daisy can't bitey Lucy, she still tries to bitey me.... |
Anyway, trust me - we are all alive and doing well.
Lucy is, well, a puppy. I mean not only is she a young dog, but she is SUCH a PUPPY!
Mom assures me that I was this young once, but I find it hard to believe!
She really likes chasing tennis balls (and Hol-ee Roller balls). She's not big enough to catch them yet, but she's getting very good at keeping an eye on them!
And she does retrieve pretty well, too!
But, she also seems to like rolling down the hill. Such a silly puppy!
She's also learning a bit about posing...
In other excitement, Lucy can now get on and off the bed by herself, she can go up an entire flight of stairs (Mom is working on getting photos or video or something), and she has completed our 3 mile hike without ending up in the "puppy sack" twice in a row now! She might actually be on her way to being a Real Dog. She also gets on top of Daisy and tries to bitey her. It doesn't usually work out well for Lucy (don't worry, Daisy doesn't hurt her!), but she's got moxie!
Stay tuned for more photos!
*kissey face*
-Saint Fiona the Patient, Crazy Daisy, and Lucy-Fur