We have been getting a lot of snow as of late, and while that means a lot of work for Dad clearing the driveway, it also means lot of time wrestling the wee Bandersnatch into submission. (Or attempting to wrestle her into submission - the wee beastie has some terrifying teeth!)
You might think that I am harassing some wee, defenseless puppy, but trust me, she is NOT defenseless. She has serious Jaws of Doom!
I think she's part alligator! |
Note that this is NOT the same picture as the last one - just the same Jaws of Doom, and me trying to get my face out of the way of those Bandersnatch teeth! |
Eeiiieeee! |
Terrifying, right? |
Mom says Daisy's Jaws of Doom are just part of the growing process and that Daisy is just growing into a bigger snooter. Well, her snooter might be growing, but her head isn't because I can still bitey her head!
I have my own Jaws of Doom, wee Bandersnatch! |
Daisy must also be putting on weight, because while I can grab her by the scruff of her neck, it's getting harder to pull her down!
Which results in much practice of the Bitey-Face Tango...
I can still tackle quite well, however....
But Daisy seems to think that waving her paws at me will do something....
Not so much, wee Bandersnatch! |
So, we are having a good time with all the snow!
Yep, she's crazy. And she's my sister.... |
Will no one rid me of this meddlesome beast? Just kidding! I actually sort of like the wee thing. |
And I will admit that Daisy can be sort of cute. Or ridiculous, depending on your perspective!
Totally ridiculous. But who can say no to a face like that? Even I am swayed by her puppy zaniness! |
Have a great week!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Daisy the Bandersnatch