I'm so disappointed! Yesterday, Dad took Abby to the vet's office for her first chemotherapy treatment, and I was all excited for her to come home. A glow-in-the-dark sister! How cool could that be?!? Alas, it has not come to pass. I watched all night, and not once did Abby glow in the dark. She didn't even flicker! But maybe it will take a few treatments before she starts glowing....
Mom has been all stressed about the chemotherapy thing (don't ask me why; Mom gets all stressed about things), so there haven't been any non-glowing photos of Abby, so I'll share some photos from last weekend.
Of course, we celebrated the 4th of July in grand style.
Happy 4th of July! Now hand over the treats before we lose our happy faces! |
For the record, the treats were NOT forthcoming in a timely manner. |
Oh, NOW you break out the treats! |
While we have had rain the last couple of days, last weekend, and the last couple of weeks before that were wickedly hot. When Mom was at the
animal shelter last week she noticed all the doggies frolicking in portable doggie swimming pools and get all wet and cool, and Mom thought we might like our own wading pool in which to cool off.
Um. I think she should have consulted us before she put this great idea of hers into action. She went to Walmart and got us a plastic wading pool. I have No Idea what she was thinking...
"Hey, Fi. Why did Mom stick a ball under all this water?" "I dunno. Maybe if we ask nicely she'll fish it out for us." |
We continued to ponder the Case of the Ball in the Tub of Water.
It doesn't even do anything. But how am I supposed to get it with all this water in the way? |
I got brave and actually put one whole foot in the water. It was very scary!
We've been watching the news with all the shark attacks - there's no WAY we're going all the way into the water - you never know what might happen! |
The big tub of water did work out well as a ginormous water dish, though.
*slurp*slurp*slurp* |
Abby finally got the hang of bobbing for tennis balls...
Abby even stepped all the way into the tub to get get tennis balls, but Mom was disappointed that neither of us was interested in a soak. Um, hello. It looks too much like a bathtub, and that problem with that is that four-letter word 'BATH'. Now put a pond in our yard, and we'd be all over it. But bobbing for tennis balls is kinda fun, too!
Thanks again for all the kind words and good wishes for Abby. While she isn't glowing in the dark, she also hasn't thrown up yet, and is still perfectly happy to eat her dinner and then check to make sure I ate all of mine, so, all is good at the moment. We'll keep you posted!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus