Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happy Pioneer Day!

For those of you non-Utahns, this is just another Thursday.  But for us, it is Pioneer Day!  The state holiday where we celebrate Brigham Young declaring that 'this is the place' and we ignore any pretense of understanding the concept of the separation of church and state.  *ahem*  While Mom is not a native Utahn, and while she has never fully assimilated (if you know what I mean), she is very happy to have another holiday weekend in July!  In spite of our irreverence (which spreads to all things, not just Pioneer Day), we have great respect for the pioneers who crossed the Plains and Rockies with their hand carts, all in search of a place to call home.

Our Mom doesn't have a drop of pioneer blood in her (unless you count that ice storm in North Carolina several years ago where Granny and Grandpa had no power for 87 days - or something like that - and they became 'Pioneer Man' and 'Pioneer Woman' with Grandpa chopping wood for their teeny fireplace and hauling water up from their pond, while Granny had to rely on the basement and the cold temperatures to keep her wine cold!  Heehee.  Just kidding, Granny!  We're certain you were spinning thread out of doodle hair and weaving blankets for warmth!), but Abby and I are certain we are descended from the Wild Goldendoodles who rode in the hand carts. (Walk next to them? Are you kidding me?!?  Even the Wild Goldendoodles Of Old were ornamental doggies with a sense of entitlement.  Pit bulls and other hardy pioneer doggies walked next to the hand carts.  Our ancestors rode.)

Anyhoo, we'd like to give a big shout out to all our Utah buddies, including Bert, Goose, and, of course, our buddies Murphy and Stanley, as well as any other Utah friends we may have missed! 

We have been celebrating in grand fashion!  We've also tolerated Mom dressing us up for 'photo ops'.  At least there weren't any cheesy plastic leis involved this time!

Somebody should tell Abby she doesn't have to look like she's posing for a daguerreotype!

How dare you suggest we would have WALKED next to the hand carts?  Do we look like working dogs to you?!?

Pioneers cooked cheeseburgers, didn't they?  We think Pioneer Day should involve a trip to the Magic Cheeseburger Window in honor of our Wild Pioneer Goldendoodle relatives!

Abs, I'm pretty sure the Pioneer Goldendoodles didn't have to put up with these silly hats.... I wonder if these hats taste good....
Heehee!  Happy Pioneer Day!  Or Happy Thursday, if you aren't in Utah!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

PeeEss:  We don't mean to offend anyone with any of our comments about Pioneer Day, assimilation or Pioneer Man and Pioneer Woman.  This is all in good fun! 


How Sam Sees It said...

So being goldendoodles can we assume that the golden's were riding on the cart? Tee-hee... Harlow approves!

Monty and Harlow

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Happy PIE O EAR DAY to you gals. You surely do look SPIFFY there.

Cowspotdog said...

looking very dapper in your hats and kerchiefs :)

The Army of Four said...

Happy Pioneer Day, girls!!! You look awesome in your bandanas! Our mom totally understands where yours is coming from - Mom isn't from Kansas, but has a full appreciation for those early settlers. I think her recent trip where she was lost on the -- I mean on the wrong trail on the Konza Prairie gave her an all-new appreciation for what they went through.
Have a great celebration!

rottrover said...

Holiday? Pawrents home? Extra walks? Photo ops?? Count us in!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

Murphy said...

Happy Pioneer Days from your furiends who didn't assimilate either.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Kinley Westie said...

Happy Pioneer Day! We get Texas Independence Day here, it are in March.

Dandy Duke said...

Happy Pioneer Day! You girls look great in your patriotic bandanas and stylish hats!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly