Monday, March 10, 2014

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is our Dad's 60th birthday!  Happy birthday Dad!!!

For those of you who might be thinking that we aren't looking 100% thrilled about our celebratory headgear, well, you would be right.  Abby is a total suckup more tolerant of things on her head than I am.  Me?  Not so much...

Me trying to get this accursed hat off my head, while Abby continues to be a total suckup.
However, there were leftover steak bits involved, so I was compliant.  Maybe not totally excited, but compliant.  Which is better than I usually am when birthday hats are involved.

So take my word for it; we are all really happy about Dad's birthday!  And we were even happier when the hats and tiaras came off!

Dad's Mom and his sister surprised him with a weekend visit for his birthday, and while we weren't included in some of the festivities (Mom took Dad to dinner at a fancy steakhouse Friday night where his Mom and sister showed up out of the blue and totally surprised him!), it looks like everyone had a great time!

Dad and his Mom at the steakhouse - which supplied the leftover steak bits which were involved in the birthday headgear photos!
So Mom and Dad spent a lot of time this weekend not doting on us... BUT, Mom and Dad got a lot of time with Dad's family, which made everyone quite happy (and we were happy about the leftover steak!). And we finally got to meet Dad's family (and believe it or not, there are No Photos, because Mom was on the phone the entire time trying to help our grandmother sort out her new phone - but it really happened)!  And we are SURE that our grandmother LOVED meeting us - you know, once we stopped barking, and Abby decided to show her her how much she loved meeting her by being a lap dog and squashing her.

Of course there was 'khake'.  Well, technically, brownies, but it's the same idea.  And it's a good thing they sell those number candles, as I doubt our Mom could have fit sixty candles on the pan of brownies!

Happy birthday, Dad!  And you know we love you when we will wear silly headgear for you!

When Mom and Dad weren't doing birthday things, Abby and I took advantage of our warm weather, and our melting snow (we've got to enjoy it while we've still got it!).

Happy dance!

Mom is really keen on these 'running at you' photos, so don't be surprised if you see a lot of them!


"I have a frisbee for you! " 

I mentioned that Mom likes these photos, right?

Abby is a very long dog....

And she's got great ear flappage!

"Hi, Mom.  I have another frisbee for you!"
As I mentioned, our snow is melting rapidly, so don't be surprised if there are pictures of muddy pawprints soon!

When we aren't chasing frisbees, we are tolerating Mom's photo efforts.  Her latest 'thing' is to learn more about lighting, so she's been taking a lot of photos of us using an 'off-camera flash'.  Whatever.  It involves a white umbrella that we are given treats to sit in front of...

Mom LOVES these 'soft light' photos!

One of Mom's all-time favorites!

We've had a Very Busy week!  And we're ready for a nap!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus


Dexter said...

The head gear is intolerable. Please! I sure hope dad appreciated your great sacrifice.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Birthday to pops
Lily & Edward

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo had us at khake!

Happy Gotcha day to your dad!


rottrover said...

The soft light photos are fantastic!

Dandy Duke said...

Happy Birthday to your dad! You look like you're trying to push Abby's hat off her head in that 3rd picture, Fiona. haha

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRFDAY to your Dad. That was a fun Pawty that he had.

Anonymous said...

You look totally hostile to the headgear. Bring on the frisbee and happy 60th in human years.

Murphy said...

Wow, we LOVE some of those pics at the end where your mom is using the umbrella. She's getting real good now! Happy Birthday to your Dad!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley


Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad! We really love the tiera hats a lot:) I hope my Grandma will come visit if it means steak for me too!