Due to inclement weather, AirFi didn't get a bath before this photo. The executive in charge of plane washing (aka Mom) has been reprimanded. AirFi will handle the commuter routes, while the flagship will continue to rescue snowless doggies and bring them to more desirable snow conditions.
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The flagship of Air Fiona. We don't need no stinkin' Boeing 787! |
Upgrades to our flagship include a more heavy-duty rubber band and reinforced cardboard for the wings. Air Fiona is truly the only way to fly!
We tested out AirFi this weekend as we returned to doggie classes for yet more edjumacation. Apparently this series of doggie classes is "Circus Tricks for Beginners." Heehee.
Jessi (the Turkey Hotdog Lady) thought it would be 'fun' for us to try some new stuff. Always being game for new adventures, Abby and I were all over it. The first adventure was riding a flatbed trolley.
So you feed us treats while your assistant keeps the cart steady and Mom takes pictures? Piece o' cake! |
Once we got comfortable on the cart, Mom took us on a little ride around the store.
We're practicing for next year's Mardi Gras festivities. We have no doubt we'll be taught how to throw beads at the drunken masses at some point! |
For those of you who wonder if this exercise has any value beyond providing photo opportunities, we can assure you that it does; we are working on becoming more comfortable in unusual situations. Which will come in handy when Mom decides to sneak us in to work with her!
After having mastered the flatbed cart, we moved on to more exciting things! Standing on chairs!
Things on the kitchen counter that might have been out of reach at one time are now within reach! This doggie class is AWESOME!!!
After mastering the chairs, Jessi thought we were ready to move on to Advanced Circus Tricks.
When she led us to the ladder, I was a bit reticent, but Abby will do just about anything when cheese is involved.
"I can get plenty of cheese from here, thankyouverymuch!" |
"Cheese?" |
"Ahh! The power of cheese!" |
"It's true! With cheese, you can do ANYTHING!" |
This photo was included so you'd know Abby got back down safely, too! |
Shopping cart? You betcha! |
"Okay! Let's get this show on the road! Let's go shopping!" |
"Hey, Mom. You might need to get a second cart to carry our purchases. This cart seems to be occupied!" |
This was really a Most Pawsome doggie class! We can't wait to go back next week!
In other excitement, other weather has been unseasonably warm, and our snow is rapidly retreating toward the polar regions. However, we got a dusting of snow this morning,
We hope you had a good weekend, too!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
We might even consider all this stuff for cheese. You guys rock
Benny & Lily
You girls sure have fun training classes. Your trainer must be real strong to be able to lift Abby (the Hippobottomus) into that cart!
What a fabulous class! You girls are learning so much!
AirFiona is just beautiful and the license plate is perfect!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Your dog school looks like much more fun than mine (although I did get to play tennis ball at school yesterday).
I think it is awesome that you are trying new things and learning to be brave. I do worry about you being under that shopping cart when the wide load is on top. Hopefully those are heavy duty carts.
What da heck???? Okay, if I had known class was gonna be fun likes dat I would has signed up a long time ago. Howevers, I does do da chair thing and da ladder thing..oh and da table thing...even though I is thinkin' it really is a no no (but who cares).
I kept wondering what da point was with da flatbed but nows I knows it is just to get comfortable in different situations...I has no problem withs dat but it lookd freakin' fun as all get out!
You two are learning lots-Parental Unit will have to find some classes near us.
P.S. We're putting you back on our blogroll, which was inexplicably deleted and which we're slowly rebuilding!
There are many uses for these skills! Like if your mom ever decides she wants to take up paddleboarding, it won't be quite as freaky for you to ride on the paddleboard with her. Looks like a super-fun class! You must have a great instructor! I really love the photo of you two in/on the shopping cart. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new license plate! Very cool!
your pal,
I wonder how Mesa would react to the moving stair set...
Stop on by for a visit
What a way cool class. I love learning new things. And you know what else we like here, we like that you two get to go to so many fun places and that you take us along.
All our snow has melted now and it is kinda nice to walk on warm earth.
Take care girls
Sounds like a great weekend! I mostly spent my weekend outdoors because it was so nice. It's back to terrible weather this week though. Happy Wednesday!
Bunk The Pug.
How did that lady lift a hippobotomous into that cart? I can't understand the physics of it. Did she get a hernia from lifting a hippo?
tee hee... (poor Abby... the BUTT of all jokes)...
hello fiona and abby its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope their is inflite meel serviss on yore noo dreemliner!!! hay tucker travels by flatbed too sumtimes wel mostly flatbed ennyway it has got sides on it i gess so he duznt fall owt!!! ha ha ok bye
Ohhh - I think you guys have the BEST dog training class in the world!! I wish all dog classes could be like that - it's so important and SO FUN to keep giving us new experiences & learning new skills, like you're doing. There would be so much more happy, confident doggies if they could all have the opportunities you're getting! Hsin-Yi says that she wishes she had socialised me more to different surfaces when I was younger - especially now that I'm getting older (and OK, a bit stiff & wobbly sometimes), I'm getting more & more wimpy about standing on anything that feels unfamiliar!!
Honey the Great Dane
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