So, another weekend, another doggie class! Again, we were the only doggies in the class. Mom says it's because the other doggies in Park City have heard about us, but I think it's just because 11am on a Saturday morning may not be compatible with other doggies' schedules.
Since we were the only doggies, we did another 'on the town' class. If you've been
hiding under a rock, erm, not following us regularly, our Petco is located in one of those 'planned communities' that has stores and residential areas and restaurants and grocery stores and access to a protected wetlands area, as well as a bunch of other stuff. So, it's very easy for us to go out and "experience new things."
First we did some basic 'sits' - just to show we could...
Hand over the treats and we'll look at the camera. Maybe. |
Then we went over to the Scary Fountain. (
Why is it scary? Well, 'cuz water splashes off it in a Most Disconcerting Manner.)
As you can see, I was keeping my distance, in case any Naiads leapt out at my unsuspecting self.
ANYTHING could be in that fountain! |
Fortified by lamb lung treats, we agreed to lie down near the Scary Fountain.
No Naiads, selkies or sprites in sight. |
And we were both so brave we allowed Mom to take more pictures of us by the Scary Fountain.
These photos may or may not be appearing in a calendar available soon!
After the Scary Fountain, we went into the toy store. Mom and Jessi (the turkey hotdog lady) are Vastly Amused by the toy store, and spend a great deal of time
being doofuses generally acting silly, with Abby and myself being forced to endure their silliness.
Abby and Cookie Monster. Abby is not the blue one, in case you couldn't tell the difference! |
Me and Bert. Since one of my many nicknames is 'Bert'! |
Heehee. Did I mention that Mom and Jessi are goofballs?
After wandering around the toy store some more, and being subjected to petting from little kids, we headed back outside for another 'photo op'.
See! We can pretend to be Good Doggies! |
And then we were back to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Now as some of you have pointed out, Bed Bath and Beyond wouldn't seem to be the most doggie friendly store in the world. Not like, say, Home Depot or something. Well, Park City has a large population of doggies, and a large population of doggie owners who like to take their doggies with them Everywhere. (
Well, duh. Who would want to leave us behind?) So well-behaved doggies are nominally allowed in pretty much any store where it wouldn't be a direct health code violation. And since we can pretend to be Well-Behaved Doggies, we aren't ejected from Bed Bath and Beyond.
Well, not yet, at least.
And there were some other doggies in there that Looked Just Like Us!!!!
What good looking doggies! Too bad they ran away! Heehee.
Then we checked out their doggie section. (Who says this isn't a doggie-friendly store?)
And then we BOTH ended up with monkeys on our backs.
Really. Mom and Jessi are Easily Amused...
"If you tackle Mom, I'll get Jessi and then we can steal all the treats and stop this nonsense!" |
Just so you know, we were Well Rewarded for these humiliations.
Then Mom and Jessi got the brilliant idea to go check out 'window treatments'. Eh, anything that has 'treat' in it can't be all bad, right?
Abby looks rather fashionable in those curtain pulls and ties... |
And I took my turn, too.
Why, yes, I DO look rather stylish, thankyouverymuch! |
There is a vicious rumor that I may (or may not) have taste-tested one or more of the items hanging around my neck.
I assure you that there is absolutely no truth to this rumor. None whatsoever. And there was no damage. So the no-harm-no-foul rule totally applies. If I had done anything. Which I didn't.
Moments after our adornments had been removed, the store manager arrived on the scene, and Mom and Jessi totally thought they were busted.
I am innocent of all charges. And my sister Fiona is far too well-behaved to be guilty of anything. |
Instead, the managed chatted pleasantly about the morning's Strut Your Mutt event in Salt Lake (we didn't go - we are 'cat nappers' every year...), and then commented on what 'well-behaved' doggies we were. We managed to look all innocent and super well-behaved, and we were welcomed in the store.
"No sir! We certainly wouldn't do anything like model curtain accessories. And we certainly wouldn't eat them. Not us!" |
After that, however, Mom and Jessi decided it was time to make a hasty egress, although they are planning to bring us back next week. Who knows what trouble we'll be able to get into next week! Heehee! Another Most Awesome Doggie class!
For those of you who are wondering about the educational value of this class (*yes Granny, I'm looking at you
we are working on people skills - that is, being comfortable around people in 'normal' situations, and we are also learning how to cope with stressful situations (like having certain people stick monkeys on our backs). Are we going to run into monkeys in the Real World? Probably not, but we will be less stressed when it comes time for us to endure the holiday elf hats...
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus