Lessee. So, the weekend. As I already mention, I had (with apologies to Arlo Guthrie) a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat, and slept most of the rest of the day. I went hiking a few times, but no place spectacular – pretty, but not spectacular. And Mom didn’t bring the camera; it was just the two of us, and well, I have no idea why that is an excuse for not bringing the camera, but whatever.
The RV park was really full over the weekend, and I met a mini-Mango; she was an English Mastiff, and weighed a mere 130 lbs. Given that I weigh 55, I can’t even imagine what it would be like to meet the Relentlessly Huge in person. I mean, it would be like a row boat next to an aircraft carrier! Anyhoo, there were lots of other doggies around (and even a cat on a leash – but it was too far away for Mom to get a picture, and she only saw him/her once), but Mom didn’t get any pictures because, well, I was having a slight case of puppy-itis, and was bouncing 17 directions at once every time I’d see a doggie. So not Mom’s fault, this time. She was doing all she could just to hold on to me. And was muttering something about how my new sister will be better socialized. Uh-huh. She’ll still be a puppy, Mom.
I did, however, spend a lot of time looking out the window at (and alerting Mom and Dad to the presence of) strangers in the neighborhood.
Which took quite a bit of time and effort.
And even required the assistance of Mr. Bufus.
Mom took some time to get some more stitching stuff done. She has been working diligently on Christmas presents, and might actually get
Here's here latest project for one of my cousins...
Dad has been practicing his guitar, in preparation for his March 13th birthday gig. Mark your calendars now. I expect you all to attend. It will be on Main Street in Park City. Bring your friends! He’s been practicing so much that Mom told him that he needed to take a little break. And when he ignored her, she took the next logical step:
Heehee! Although it didn't work for too long, because Dad finally got wise and tore off the tape...
And TaiChi and I have been spending lots of quality time together.

Now I’m going to try to catch up on some bloggies before I start my next great adventure.

Oh, and I have some awards, but I’ll have to get to them tomorrow, as Mom has to get her act together before I can post them. But thank you all in advance!
*kissey face*