Sunday, November 25, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope all my US friends had a great holiday weekend!  Dad's mother and sister were in town, so Daisy and Lucy-Fur and I scored with some seriously awesome doggie bags from their dinners!

Thanks to our Granny and Grandpa on Mom's side, we were able to get our annual calendars finished up with the annual holiday bandannas.  Granny and Grandpa did a rush job to get them to us, and at least some of us were totally ready to pose....

Let there be no question as to who is on Santa's 'Nice' list.

Is anyone surprised that Miss 'Naughty' took a while to show up for the shoot?  Even Miss 'Destroyer of Worlds' knows how to pose.

Dad's help was required to get Miss Naughty to the couch. And quite possibly there were bribes involved...

As soon as Mom got this photo, she called it good.  Clearly the two youngsters are related - look at those head tilts!
We were a tad less cooperative for the family photo with Mom and Dad and Dad's family...

The youngsters just wanted scratchies and I was worn out.  But notice how everyone is wearing matching Liz Dranow Photography sweatshirts? Very clever product placement, Mom!
We got snow over the weekend, which was welcomed by us.  The youngsters did Crazy Dog Zoomies.

After the snow ended and it all cleared out, there was frisbee time.  All I can say about Daisy is that she really shouldn't try to get between me and frisbee time!

I SAID, "get out of my face so I can catch the frisbee".  *sheesh*
Seriously, Daisy has some nerve....

Mom, can I trade her in for a hamster? 
I did get to catch some frisbees while the youngsters were otherwise occupied, but Mom somehow only managed to get photos of the ones where she did terrible throws and I was pulling the frisbee out of the snow... However, trust me - I'm still catching frisbees!

Unlike some other doggies who see to think the frisbee should just fall into her mouth...

I think she's glaring at the frisbee...
Lucy doesn't even try to catch frisbees. But she likes running around with them.

And she likes playing tug-of-war...

That haze is from their breath - it was cold this morning!
Have a great week!

*kissey face*
-Saint Fiona the Patient, Crazy Daisy, and Lucy-Fur

Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Few Photos

As usual, Mom has been busy with "stuff" (apparently something about projects at the Great Kibble Provider, and doggie photos and other so-called work...)  However, we have not been neglected - just not photographed as much (something to do with it getting darker earlier...).

However, Mom has managed to get a few photos of the crazies...

The Crazy Sisters like to show off their teethies...

For the record, Lucy-Fur is definitely bigger than Craisy - but Crazy Daisy has the psychological advantage.

They are both nuts...

It's even worse when they start coming after me...

What is up with this?!?
We got a little bit of snow last week, so the youngsters got to do more of what they do best - be crazy...

Guess what? Neither of them caught this.

Yes, Daisy, you *should* look worried!

I think I've seen this face before....


Mom says this photo reminds her of two other sisters who played tug-of-war with a frisbee... I think that's a good thing!
And somedoggie has springs in her leggies!
While the youngsters have been going crazy (as usual), I have been able to get in some swimming time. Mom didn't get in the pool this last week, but I had a great time! I was Super Power Swimmer Dog and I had lots of quality tennis ball time without any interruptions by young nutty dogs!

So, while Mom has been "busy", we've been have a great time! Have a good week!

*kissey face*
-Saint Fiona the Patient, Crazy Daisy, and Lucy-Fur