*oops! This got posted on Mom's photo blog and not our own page.....*
Yes, we are all alive and well. Mom has just been crazy busy with her day job (aka "The Great Kibble Provider"), photographing at the animal shelter and paying photography clients, so our bloggie has been neglected (again).
However, Mom is still taking photos of us, and we are having fun playing in the snow, so all is good!
Pay close attention to the mid-leap pounce.... |
The pounce invariably results in the frisbees being buried. That's why Mom has a lot of backups! |
Me? I like to throw out the parachute when I jump on frisbees, so I can find them! |
We still have springs in our leggies! |
*sproing*! |
Hey, um, Mom, are you going to throw the frisbee, or what? |
Zoom-zoom! |
Abby, pretending to be all contemplative. |
Abby doing what she does best! |
In all of her photography, Mom had the opportunity to meet and photograph Belle,
Goose's girlfriend (and now Buddy's friend and pillow). Not only has Belle been a long-time interwebs friend, but she's a "mature" gal, and Mom loves spending time with senior doggies.
Michelle clearly loves Belle, too! |
I think Belle pulls off the 'looking contemplative' thing better than Abby! |
Mom got a few tutus (and other goodies) for Valentine's Day photos at the shelter, and when she was there last week, she got to indulge her desire to get photos of Pibbles in tutus!
Mom got a 'super-sync' radio trigger setup, specifically to capture leaping doggies at the shelter - and everyone seems to be happy with the setup! |
This little puppy kept crawling up in Mom's lap and giving her kisses and puppy breath and the whole bit. Luckily, she also reminded Mom how crazy puppies are! (Not that Mom is not is one to be swayed by puppy wiles!) |
Ballerina doggie! |
| |
Mom still doesn't know what this guy was a mix of (we're thinking part Weimaraner and part Newfie and part shag carpet, but it's really anyone's guess as Bo - the model - wasn't telling!) |
So not to worry, world! We are alive and well - our secretary has just been super busy with "other things"!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus