Where to start? We've had all sorts of excitement this week! I guess I'll start with the new looks. I'm not talking about haircuts, this time, but all of our new accessories.
If we're not careful, we're going to end up being fashionistas like our little poodle friends Mollie Jo and Bobo! Not that that is a bad thing, mind you, but I'm not sure our Mom has the organizational skills to keep hundreds of collars and tags and dresses and shirts and things organized! But I digress....
I'll start with the accessories we could probably do without...
Mom took Jessie (the Turkey Hot-Dog Lady) to the airport last week, and as a thank-you, Jessi gave Mom a goodie bag that included, among other things, Yoda ears. Really. As in, "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not."
That Yoda.
"My schnozz look big do these ears make, hmm?" |
"Work on me your Jedi mind tricks will not." |
Yeah, so, um, thanks for that, Jessi...
However, our Granny and Grandpa made some Really Cool accessories for us. Noting our
utter intolerance slight dislike of ears and antlers and whatnot, Mom asked our Granny and Grandpa if they would mind making us a couple of bandanas with clever sayings - perfect for photo ops, but not quite as humiliating as, well, Yoda ears, for example. Apparently making sewing requests in August is absolutely perfect timing, as it's too hot and humid in North Carolina for Granny and Grandpa to venture outside, so they can instead spend hours and hours slaving over sewing machines.
Is it a sweatshop if they are choosing to do it, and they aren't getting paid? Anyway, our Granny and Grandpa VASTLY exceeded our expectations and we got this ginormous box filled with Super Cool bandanas.
I'm only giving you a small glimpse of the variety here, as Mom wants to get some 'action' photos (i.e. walking around town) with some of the other bandanas. But check out How Seriously Cool these are!!!
One of Mom's favorite sayings - she even has it on her "Road-Kill ID"! |
What can I say? They look like such fun! |
Very appropriate for Abby, as she has been known to watch mice cavort in our kibble dish and do nothing about it. (Not that I do anything about the mice either.... They may be on good terms with our moose!) |
Abby will even tolerate Yoda ears for treats! |
While we are very tolerant of mice, tree rats are a Totally Different issue. |
These are SO COOL!!!! Thank you so much, Granny and Grandpa! You guys clearly put a ton of work into all these bandanas, and we can't wait to show them off when we go out in public!
Speaking of going out in public, we ALMOST got to meet two bloggie friends of ours. If you haven't met
Murphy and Stanley, you definitely need to go check out their bloggie - they are two mini Goldendoodle doods who live in Ogden and frequently cavort with the likes of
Bert. Murphy and Stanley and their parents were coming to Park City for some hiking and dog park time, as well as to hit some outlet stores. Abby and I were really looking forward to meeting the little doods at the dog park, but due to unforeseen circumstances (
Mom and Dad went on bike ride, during which it started raining and Dad subsequently crashed on a slick corner - Dad is a bit bruised and "left some skin on the ground", but his bike is ok), Abby and I were not able to meet Murphy and Stanley this time. However, Mom met up with the doods and their parents at the outlet stores. And we have photographic proof of Mom Cavorting With Other Doods. (
Is this allowed? Should we shun her?)
Photo courtesy of Murphy and Stanley's Mom! |
Mom even Got Smoochies from the Doods (
check out their bloggie post to see shocking smoochie photos!) Ordinarily we'd be a little miffed with Mom for smooching other doggies, but since they are Doods, and Utah Doods at that, we really can't complain. And they appreciate Mom's scratchie skills, so I guess we'll let Mom off the hook this time.
Murphy, totally getting into our Mom's belly scratchies! |
Stanley, patiently waiting his turn for scratchies! |
But we can't wait to actually meet Murphy and Stanley ourselves - they are such fun-loving doods!
And speaking of being fun-loving doods, we, of course, have More Frisbee Photos. Before you just blast through these, certain they are just More of The Same, you have to check out this photo of Abby, working hard to be ready for the opening of the famous ballet, Doodle Lake. Unfortunately this picture isn't in great focus, but there must be some surprises left for the opening of the ballet! Heehee!
A Flying Hippobottomus! Go figure! |
Once the Doodle Lake rehearsals had ended, Abby and I got down to the serious business of frisbee time.
A very nice demonstration of a full-extension over-the-shoulder catch with a quarter twist! |
Here I am, demonstrating how to keep your eyes on the frisbee! |
Maybe not one of my more graceful catches, but hey, I caught it! |
The Levitating Hippobottomus. My crazy sister clearly has springs in her legs! |
Abby, ready to take out Tokyo. Heheheh. |
Now that our weather is cooling at bit (at least for now), Abby and I actually got in a little bitey-face, as well.
"Gimme that leg, Abs! I KNOW it takes like bacon!" |
Since we didn't get to meet Murphy and Stanley in person, here's a picture of us so you know what we look like without Yoda ears or frisbees!
Have a great week!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus